Hanzi Gong Shuangfa method Espisode 1 汉字宫爽法第1集 Chinese English Transcript 中文英文成绩单
哈哈哈哈哈哈哈, Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha,
呵呵呵呵, Hehehehe,
小朋友, Children,
你们来是要学汉字的吗? Are you coming to learn Chinese characters?
是, Yes,
都是人们的幻想, Are people's fantasies,
不过, but,
幻想也可以把现实和古代联系 起来, Fantasy can also connect reality with ancient times.
这么说不对人, It’s not right,
我是从古代走来的中国人汉 字, I am a Chinese character coming from ancient times.
跨越时代的桥梁啊, a bridge that spans the times,
你有名字吗? Do you have a name?
嗯, Ok,
我的名字叫汉字老人, My name is Chinese characters,
哈哈哈哈哈, Hahahahaha,
爷爷, grandfather,
哎, Hey,
汉字历史悠久源远流长, The history of Chinese characters has a long history.
是既实用又美丽的文字, It is a practical and beautiful text,
它是几千年来许许多多追求文 明的有识之士, It is a multitude of people who have been pursuing civilization for thousands of years.
用劳动和智慧不断的补充, Constantly supplemented by labor and wisdom,
不断的改进, Continuous improvement,
不断的完善而形成的, Formed by continuous improvement,
的, of,
你们看, Look,
汉字并不难治理是关键, Chinese characters are not difficult to govern, it is the key.
先认象形字, First recognize the pictogram,
再学串和联, Learn again and connect
象形字是真, The pictograph is true,
形, shape,
意字象限, Quadrant of meaning,
形意加读音, Xingyi plus pronunciation,
自制记心间, Self-made mind,
听听吧, Listen,
哎, Hey,
只要肯学, As long as you learn,
很快你们就会弄明白的, You will understand it soon,
好好学哦, Learn well,
那是从头学呢还是, Is that learning from scratch or?
嗯, Ok,
那我们就先从象形字学起, Then let's start with pictograms,
好, it is good,
我们去大海边看日出, We went to the beach to watch the sunrise.
哈哈哈, Hahaha,
我, I,
别忘了, do not forget,
这是汉字宫啊, This is the Chinese character palace,
汉字写到哪里, Where is the Chinese character written?
我们就能去到哪里, Where can we go,
你们看这是什么? What do you think is this? 对 呀, Yes,
在看, look in,
了, ,
我来过了, I have been here,
我这儿来, I am here,
走到这儿来看, Come here to see,
你, you,
这个字是太阳的形象, This word is the image of the sun.
所以叫做象形字, So called pictograms,
是用来表示太远, Is used to indicate too far,
读音是玉, The pronunciation is jade,
姐, sister,
这是什么声音啊? What is this sound? 七, Seven,
天, day,
嗯, Ok,
这也是一个象形字, This is also a pictogram,
是月亮的形象, Is the image of the moon,
读音是月, The pronunciation is month,
日, day,
夜, night,
月, month,
你们说, You said,
白天什么最亮啊, What is the brightest day,
对啦, right,
啊, what,
每天太阳最亮, The sun is the brightest every day,
晚上月亮最亮, The moon is the brightest at night.
把日月这两个最亮的天体合在 一起, Put together the two brightest objects of the sun and the moon,
就是明亮的名字, Is the bright name,
鲜明啦, Bright,
明天光明都是这个字, Tomorrow is the word of light.
无名, nameless,
摸营, Touch camp,
你, you,
名字是用日月两个象形字合起 来表示明亮的意思, The name is a combination of two pictograms of the sun and the moon to indicate the meaning of brightness.
所以叫做形意字, So called the ideogram,
听明白了吗? have you understood? 明 白了, understood,
的意思, the meaning of,
我, I,
我相信相信啊, I believe in it,
你好笨呀, You are stupid,
我来孩子们, I am coming to the children,
过来, come,
过来, come,
过来, come,
这是什么呀, what is this,
我的下段呢? What about my next paragraph? 嗯, Ok,
你们看, Look,
是草的种子, Is the seed of grass,
种子和草根埋在地下是黑暗 的, The seeds and grass roots are buried underground and are dark.
让, Let,
操你妈逼出地面, Fuck your mother out of the ground,
可就见到了日月, I can see the sun and the moon,
也就是见到了光明, That is to see the light,
所以这个字最初读作明, So this word was originally read as
为了与明亮的明区别开来, In order to distinguish it from the bright one,
就变音为盟, Just change the voice,
常说的萌芽萌生萌发, Often said sprouting germination,
就是这个萌字, It’s this cute word,
这个萌字的上半部, The top half of this budding word,
叫做草字头, Called the grass head,
表示与草类植物有关, Indicates that it is related to grasses,
下边的名字表示读音, The name below indicates the pronunciation,
萌, Meng,
摩恩蒙, Moenmont,
吗? ? 这种一部分表示字的含义, This part represents the meaning of the word,
另一部分表示读音的字叫做译 英子, The other part of the word that indicates pronunciation is called English.
明白了, understood,
明白的, understandable,
你我三人今日结盟, You and my three are allied today,
从此便兄弟相称, Since then, the brothers have been commensurate.
古人把坛子, The ancients put the jar,
瓶子, bottle,
碗碟, dishes,
盘子, plate,
空成为器皿, Empty becomes a vessel,
这个象形字就是器皿的名字, This pictogram is the name of the vessel.
敏, Min,
魔音敏, Magic sound,
敏, Min,
好, it is good,
在看, look in,
来检测机械表, To test the mechanical watch,
了, ,
这是一个写字, This is a letter,
鲜血的血, Blood,
表示洗涤, Indicates washing,
下边士气, Morale below,
因为他也是一项行动来表示字 义的, Because he is also an action to express the meaning of the word,
所以是形意字读, So it’s a form of reading,
雪夕爷写, Snow eve wrote,
写, write,
这个字的第二个读音念学, The second pronunciation of the word is learned,
西月雪, West Moon Snow,
如何应用以后再讲, How to apply it later,
从此后, Since then,
同心同德, Concentric,
亲如手足, Personally,
啊, what,
他们在对天盟誓, They are swearing at the Alliance,
结为弟兄, Become a brother,
日月代表天, The sun and the moon represent the day,
合在一起, combine together,
是民间有盟誓者表明心意的意 思, It is the meaning of the people’s pledges to show their intentions.
萌, Meng,
沃尔蒙, Walmont,
这个字也和萌芽的萌子一样, This word is also the same as the budding sprout.
上面的铭表示读音, The above inscription indicates the pronunciation,
下面的敏表示的是写的省略, The following sensitivity indicates the omission of writing.
和器皿有关, Related to utensils,
是译音字, Is a transliterated word,
叶念萌, Ye Nianmeng,
蒙氏, Montessori,
结盟同盟, Alliance alliance,
都是这个萌字, It’s all this cute word,
快快找, Find it quickly,
下个月走还这么早, Going so early next month,
昨天学了几个字都记住了吗? Have you learned a few words yesterday? 这是什么字啊, What is this word?
对, Correct,
因为太阳很热, Because the sun is very hot,
古人就把这个字读作与热相似 的声音日, The ancients read this word as a sound day similar to heat.
每天早上, every morning,
太阳从东边冉冉升起, The sun rises from the east,
划过天空, Crossing the sky,
把光与热, Put light and heat,
洒在人间, Sprinkle on the earth,
到西边, To the west,
慢慢落下, Slowly falling,
第二天又从东方升起, The next day it rose from the east.
对呀, Yes,
周而复始, Repeatedly,
不愈而终, Not getting better,
古人就把这一段从日出到日落 的时间叫做日, The ancients called this time from sunrise to sunset the day.
所以这个日子既表示太远, So this day is too far,
也表示时间, Also indicates time,
这个字念什么? What do you think of this word? 这 也是个象形字, This is also a pictogram.
月亮, moon,
区别, the difference,
现在, just now,
发现, Find,
月亮湖, Moon Lake,
伴园道等, With garden roads, etc.
又到半圆在等, Going to the semicircle again,
这样圆圈一次大约30, This circle is about 30 at a time.
所以就把这一段时间叫做一个 月, So I will call this period of time a month.
这个月也有两个基本, There are also two basics this month.
一, one,
音乐, music,
嗯是表示, Well, that is,
热的发音是圆圈合成, The hot pronunciation is a circle synthesis,
玩的生母是你, The birth mother is you,
缺的韵母是耶, The missing vowel is yeah,
合起来念月, Put together and read the moon,
你说说啊, You talk about it,
天上除了太阳和月亮, In addition to the sun and the moon,
还有什么? What else? 还有谢谢, Thank you,
对, Correct,
也交替运转的过程中, Also in the process of alternating operation,
我们在黄昏或者是清晨时, We are at dusk or early morning,
常常能看到一颗明亮的星星, I can often see a bright star.
这颗心, This heart,
叫做启明星, Called the Venus,
也叫太白金星, Also called Taibai Jinxing,
还有的, Still,
叫他明星, Call him a star,
这个字不错呀, This word is good,
他就是模仿起明星的样子, He is imitating the star,
因为它往往是在月亮还没有露 面的时候, Because it is often when the moon has not yet appeared,
就出现在西方, Appear in the West,
所以古人便把它读作西, So the ancients read it as West.
人们用这个茜字来表示黄昏, People use this word to indicate dusk.
傍晚有时也表示晚上, Evening in the evening sometimes means evening,
旦夕, On the eve,
着急, Anxious,
夕阳等等, Sunset, etc.
我来补, I will make up,
西, oo,
心来, Heart,
你们看这是什么呀? What do you think is this? 这 是受苦, This is suffering,
之前, prior to,
古人就是在这受苦上用青铜刀 具刻字的, The ancients were engraved with bronze knives on this suffering.
因为曲线, Because of the curve,
不如直线好课, Not as good as a straight line,
后来就把曲线形的象形字变为 方块形, Later, the curved pictograph was changed into a square shape.
圆形的日子, Round day,
改为长方形, Change to rectangular,
湖北的月子, The moon of Hubei,
改为执笔的夜, Change to the night of the pen,
久而久之就形成了汉字的基本 笔画, Over time, the basic strokes of Chinese characters have been formed.
横, horizontal,
数, number,
那, that,
金额, Amount,
我明白了, I understand,
所有的汉字都是由这些基本的 笔画组成的, All Chinese characters are made up of these basic strokes.
不错, Yes,
真聪明, so smart,
你给我听, You give it to me,
西, oo,
敏, Min,
这几个字, These words,
姐, sister,
一是谢, One is thank you,
这两个意象, These two images,
陈志表示质疑的姿势, Chen Zhi expressed doubts about the posture,
啊, what,
这两个字是, These two words are,
嗯, Ok,
你终于弄明白了, You finally figured it out,
耶, Yay,
嗯, Ok,
你们看, Look,
这壶嘴里喷出的是什么呀? What is the spout in this spout? 不 对, wrong,
水蒸气使其, Water vapor makes it,
看, Look,
土地和草丛中还有水分, There is water in the land and grass.
太阳一晒便蒸发出气体, The sun evaporates out of the sun,
那么这一层又一层漂浮不定的 气质该怎么写呢? Then how to write this layer of floating temperament? 有办法, There is a way,
啊, what,
你, you,
发三个横道, Send three crossbars,
表示气体是多层的, Indicates that the gas is multi-layered,
上面这一瓶, The bottle above,
表示上两天, Representing the last two days,
下边的这一横往下一拉, The next one goes down to the next pull,
表示下接地, Indicates grounding,
挨着就写成了一个气质, I wrote it as a temperament.
老爷爷, Grandpa,
为什么要练气呢? Why do you want to practice your breath? 大概是因为它一出现就向上升起, Probably because it rose as soon as it appeared,
之气的变音, Voice change,
器, ,
气体的气, Gas gas,
切, cut,
气体的气, Gas gas,
争取上升, Strive for the rise,
急剧凝固, Sharply solidified,
就是您, It’s you,
表示真诚, Express sincerity,
也代表蓝天, Also represents the blue sky,
这是云朵, This is the cloud,
附在蓝天下就组成名字, Attached to the blue sky to form a name,
云在天上飘浮均匀的散布在天 空, The clouds float evenly across the sky in the sky.
所以不均匀的云字同音, So the uneven cloud word is the same,
云, cloud,
1n, 1n,
元, yuan,
的, of,
甜晕啦, Sweet halo,
天上无云不下雨, There is no cloud in the sky, it doesn’t rain,
那云层聚集的时候了, It’s time for the clouds to gather.
再遇上高空的冷气, Then encounter the air-conditioning at high altitude,
云层中的水分子, Water molecules in the clouds,
融合凝聚, Fusion,
就变成雨水, It turns into rain,
这只狮子的最初形象, The original image of this lion,
为了书写方便, For the convenience of writing,
就用两横表示云层, Just use two horizontal lines to represent the clouds.
用四点表示雨水, Use four points to indicate rainwater,
下意识常州闪电, Subconscious Changzhou Lightning,
就用一束来代替, Just use a bunch instead.
因为下雨是有范围的, Because it rains, there is scope,
就在下面加个框来表示, Just put a box below to indicate that
这就是宇宙, This is the universe,
与, versus,
雨水的雨, Rain in the rain,
月, month,
相机, camera,
闪电, lightning,
有各种各样的形状, There are all kinds of shapes,
这个闪电的电子式弯曲闪电的 形象, The image of this lightning-electric electronically curved lightning,
这个店不仅表示闪电, This store not only expresses lightning,
我们现在用的电话, The phone we use now,
电灯, Electric light,
还有电车, There is also a tram,
都是这个店子, Are all this shop,
别, do not,
得一按电, I got a press,
别, do not,
这是地上, This is the ground,
方才弯曲的展示店, a curved display shop,
第三是直的叫做身, The third is straight, called body,
古人说, The ancients said,
打绿伞, Playing a green umbrella,
想炸雷, Want to bomb,
是天公发怒, It’s anger,
这个神就是天神的神的谐音, This god is the homonym of the god of the gods.
身, body,
师恩深, Shi Enshen,
哈哈, Haha,
别怕, Don't be afraid,
别怕, Don't be afraid,
你是被天神的发怒吓坏了吧? Are you frightened by the wrath of the gods? 打雷是一种自然现象, Thunder is a natural phenomenon.
天上带有不同电极的云层, Clouds with different electrodes in the sky,
碰撞就会发出闪电响起雷声, The collision will produce a thunder, and thunder will sound.
天珠的店通过与死, The shop of Dzizhu passed and died,
往往会引起便秘, Often cause constipation,
是雷电引发的火环, It is a fire ring caused by lightning.
夹在椅子下面就是雷子, Sandwiched under the chair is a thunder,
雷, mine,
的诶, Oh,
我们把今天学过的字复习一 遍, We review the words we have learned today,
谢谢你的谢谢! Thank you for your thank you! 云 雾云, Cloud clouds,
白云云彩的云, Clouds of white clouds,
下雨的雨, Raining rain,
电闪电灯电话的电, Electric lightning light telephone,
轩表示其想得深, Xuan said that he thought deeply,
雷打雷的雷, Thunder, thunder,
这是一个新句子, This is a new sentence,
应该开始有两个象形字合在一 起表示字义的, It should start with two pictograms that together represent the meaning of the word,
所以试行日子, So try the days,
你聪明的哥哥还聪明, Your smart brother is still smart,
哎, Hey,
聪明聪明聪明啊, Smart, smart, smart,
在家快点, Hurry up at home,
啊, what,
哦, Oh.
知道这是什么吗? Do you know what this is? 对, Correct,
那你呢, how about you,
你在电视里见过啊, You saw it on TV,
就让你看看, Let you see,
真傻, It’s stupid,
这是一个象形字, This is a pictogram,
是早期的扇子, It was an early fan,
后来变成这个样子, It became like this later,
这三束, These three bundles,
表示三座山峰, Representing three mountain peaks,
下面一横, Below a horizontal,
表示山山相连, Said that mountains and mountains are connected,
因为地球上的大山多是连绵不 断的, Because the mountains on the earth are continuous,
所以用一横表示, So with a horizontal representation,
独山, Dushan,
是鞍山, It is Anshan,
这是一大片丘陵地带, This is a large hilly area.
这也是山吗? Is this also a mountain? 这 是秋山, This is the autumn mountain,
是石山大山, It is the rocky mountain,
秋是土山, Autumn is a mountain,
哎, Hey,
比较平缓的是土山, The more gentle is the Tushan,
这就是秋字, This is the autumn character,
上林一品表示山顶比较红火, Shanglin Yipin said that the top of the mountain is booming.
下面是山体, Below is the mountain,
人们常说的荒丘, The hills that people often say,
沙丘, dune,
丘陵, hills,
就是这个秋, It’s this autumn,
秋, autumn,
西欧秋, Western Europe, autumn,
你老家有一座馒头山, You have a Shantou Mountain in your hometown.
很像一个大馒头, Much like a big girl,
真有这样的山, There is such a mountain,
这样的事儿还不少呢, There are still quite a few such things.
看, Look,
真像一个大馒头, It’s like a big girl,
也有的地方把这样的煽情叫做 奶头山, There are also places where such lyrics are called the Milky Mountain.
准确的说, exactly,
它不是山, It is not a mountain,
而是钢, But steel,
不行, No,
你仔细看, Look carefully,
两个大滑梯, Two big slides,
那又不是幼儿园, That is not a kindergarten.
哪有什么滑梯, Where is the slide,
那是狗, That is a dog,
是被雨水冲刷的沟渠, It is a ditch that is washed by rain.
我们用一束, We use a bunch,
一横折钩画个筐, a horizontal folding hook draws a basket,
表示它的种子, Express its seeds,
存货, stock,
再用交叉的量比表示沟渠, Then use the amount ratio of the intersection to represent the ditch,
因为它和山一样, Because it is like a mountain,
是从地平面上凸起的, Is raised from the ground plane,
上面再加个山字, Add a mountain word above,
这就是打字, This is typing,
岗位岗, Post,
哨岗楼, Sentinel Building,
还有路边的岗亭, There is also a roadside booth.
都是这个厂子, Are all this factory,
港, port,
哥安港, Goan Port,
现在我们就去看深山峡谷, Now let's go to the deep mountain canyon.
不用去看呢, Don't have to look at it,
呵呵, Ha ha,
哎, Hey,
呵呵呵呵呵! Ha ha ha ha ha! 的, of,
两边, On both sides,
高山之下, Under the mountain,
流水的地方, Where the water is flowing,
便是古, It’s ancient,
他说, He said,
有高山就深, It’s deep in the mountains,
水吗, Water,
不一定, Not necessarily,
也有没水的山谷, There are also valleys without water,
不过打过后, But after playing,
身骨必定有水, There must be water in the body.
晚上不懂得怎么写, I don’t know how to write at night.
看, Look,
发光的地方, Glowing place,
就是进入山谷的大门门口, It is the entrance to the gate of the valley.
汉字用一个小方框, Chinese characters use a small box,
也就是口字来表示它, That is, word of mouth to indicate it,
再用凉皮和1.1那表是两面 的大山, Then use the cool skin and the 1.1 table is a mountain on both sides.
合在一起就是古字, Together, it is an ancient word.
古, ancient,
歌舞鼓, Dance drum,
我, I,
我张国霞古拉古, I Zhang Guoxia Gulagu,
郎朗, Lang Lang,
丘陵的丘, Hilly hills,
高山的山很好, The mountains of the mountains are very good.
现在我们就回去吧, Now let's go back,
昨天学的字你们都还记得嘛, You still remember the words you learned yesterday.
啊, what,
看, Look,
岗位, post,
就把它简化了, Just simplify it,
哦, Oh.
景阳冈, Jing Yanggang,
井冈山, Jinggangshan,
就不再写上面的衫子, I won’t write the shirt above,
刚, just,
哥安刚, Ge Angang,
景阳冈的冈, The castle of Jingyanggang,
给我找, Find it for me,
咱们到外边去, Let's go outside,
到河滩去, Go to the river beach,
走, go,
呀, Yeah,
孩子们, children,
你们过来看, You have come to see,
这个石头像什么呀, What is this stone like?
这叫鹅卵石, This is called pebbles,
还比较大, Still relatively large,
呵呵呵呵! Hehehehe! 慢点跑, Run slowly,
小心点儿, Be careful,
走, go,
咱们也过去看看, Let’s go and see,
嗯, Ok,
像个小宝宝, Like a little baby,
嗯, Ok,
还有比这更大的哦, There is more than this,
哎, Hey,
那边看看还有好多好东西, There are a lot of good things to see over there.
浩大呀, Great,
我敢说整座大山呀, I dare say the whole mountain,
都是石头, Are stones,
了, ,
一横, a horizontal,
一品, One product,
岩石悬崖, Rock cliff,
再用一个方块, Use another square,
也就是口字表示十块, That is, the word indicates ten blocks.
这个象形字就是岩石的时, When this pictogram is rock,
十, ten,
鞋, shoe,
好了伤疤, Ok, scars,
哎, Hey,
你们, you guys,
往哪儿看? Where to look? 这是一架工棚, This is a work shed.
也就是最早的工厂, It is the earliest factory,
工人们正在做工啊, The workers are working,
这就是工厂的厂子, This is the factory of the factory,
上边一横表示工程左边一撇表 示仅靠谁牙, A horizontal line above indicates that the left side of the project indicates that only the teeth are used.
长, long,
吃昂长, Eat very long,
啊, what,
在上, above,
嗯, Ok,
啊, what,
最近天气真差呀, The weather is really bad recently,
真行呀, Really,
看, Look,
这道甜似芳芳的, This sweet, aromatic,
真像一个汉字, Really like a Chinese character,
喂, Hey,
的, of,
特一安甜, Specially sweet,
老爷, master,
先用一横一竖表示图画, First use a horizontal and vertical display of the picture,
再用一横表示地面, Use a horizontal line to indicate the ground,
合在一起就是土地的土字, Together, it is the word of the land.
土, earth,
和无土, And no soil,
嗯, Ok,
为什么想吐呢, Why do you want to vomit,
你? you? 土土地的土, Soil of soil,
田地的田, Field field,
徐石头的诗, Xu Shi’s poems,
场, field,
刚表示地名的歌, a song that just represents a place name,
嗯, Ok,
你们看, Look,
这么多农田呀, So much farmland,
有了农田才能种粮食, With farmland, you can grow food.
看, Look,
农民伯伯在劳动, The farmer’s uncle is working,
说的对, that's right,
走到那边去, Go over there,
这是什么呀? what is this? 上古时代, In ancient times,
如果远离了河流水, If you are away from the river water,
两, Two,
后来发现了, Later discovered,
打井汲水, Drilling well,
叫他从河流两岸解脱出去, Tell him to get out of the river,
不对, wrong,
就自由了, It’s free,
就能选择自然条件好的地方生 活去了, You can choose to live in a place with good natural conditions.
嗯, Ok,
光的, Light,
还有圆的, There is also a round,
六角形的, Hexagonal,
这就是剪子, This is the scissors,
当中那个方块儿, The square in the middle,
是表示井口的意思, Is the meaning of the wellhead,
景, view,
机营井, Machine camp well,
讲, speak,
我吃水不忘打井人, I don’t forget to hit the well,
现在形势发展了, The situation is now developing,
很多人都用上自来水, Many people use tap water,
恐怕不仅忘了打井的人, I am afraid not only forgetting the people who are drilling wells,
甚至连井是个什么样也忘光 了, Even the well is what I forgot,
你是不是也忘啦, Are you forgetting too?
第一次, the first time,
对呀, Yes,
你们说这块地平不平啊, You said that this piece of land is not flat,
凹凸不平, Rugged,
说的好, well said,
呕吐不平, Vomiting,
这地面上有两个象形字, There are two pictographs on the ground.
进去的地方就是个熬子, The place to go is a blind man.
熬, boil,
啊嗯, Ah,
这就是秃子, This is bald,
用来表示从地平面凸起的意 思, Used to mean the meaning of bulging from the ground plane,
凹凸不平的秃子, Rugged bald,
特污出, Specially dirty,
脱, Take off,
快点, Faster,
你们见过城墙吗? Have you seen the city wall? 见 过西安古城, I have seen the ancient city of Xi'an.
山西平遥, Pingyao, Shanxi,
还有八达岭长城, There is also the Badaling Great Wall.
我都见过哦, I have seen it,
那你在哪儿? Where are you? 陈强呀, Chen Qiang,
别急嘛, Don't worry,
看着, Watching,
哈, what,
这就是城墙, This is the city wall,
为什么要有城墙? Why do you have a city wall? 古 代战争, Ancient war,
城墙, City wall,
这城墙的座头就是许多凹字和 凸字组成的, The seat of this wall is made up of many concave and convex characters.
你跟他, You talk to him,
我, I,
讲水井的井, a well that tells a well,
这两天学了几个字啊, I have learned a few words in these two days.
啊, what,
的, of,
杨甜甜的甜, Yang sweet and sweet,
雪, snow,
石头的诗, Stone poem,
厂是俺厂工厂, The factory is a factory,
刚表示地名的高, Just said that the place name is high,
对了, correct,
凡是学过的字, Anything that has been learned,
一定都要记清楚, Be sure to remember clearly,
知道了, Got it,
那是什么? what is that? 加上两岸通称什么? What is the name of the cross-straits? 不知道, do not know,
叫做, Called,
合川, Hechuan,
山之间的低洼处叫做沟, The low place between the mountains is called the ditch.
或许像我们前边学过的叫做 古, Maybe like what we learned before, it’s called ancient,
如果两山之间的地貌既平展又 宽阔, If the landscape between the two mountains is both flat and wide,
那就叫做穿或叫何川, That is called wearing or calling He Chuan.
姐, sister,
这就是川字, This is the Sichuan word,
中间的一竖, In the middle of the vertical,
表示河水和两边的平地, Means the river and the flat land on both sides,
两边的两处表示两面的高山, The two sides on both sides represent the mountains on both sides.
不顺眼, dislike; despise,
现在呢? What now? 这也是穿, This is also worn,
这两个, These two,
这还不算, This is not counting,
二三十, Twenty thirty,
又是一百零二百里呢, It’s another hundred and two hundred miles.
大平原, Great Plains,
穿, wear,
15安川, 15 Yaskawa,
山川和穿, Mountains and wear,
平常穿的穿, Usually worn,
我穿的穿, I wear it,
在, in,
这也是川, This is also Chuan,
是弯曲的和穿的形象, Is the image of bending and wearing,
可是不单独使用, But not used alone,
有时把它叫做川字头, Sometimes called it Chuanzitou,
现在让我们来看水, Now let's look at the water,
干仗, Dry up,
就是要变质了, It is going to deteriorate,
这就是水字, This is the word of water,
水之为水, Water is water,
河水, River water,
海水, seawater,
流水的水, Flowing water,
汉字中有许多字是与另外一个 象形字组合而成, Many characters in Chinese characters are combined with another pictograph.
这就是我们说的形意字和意音 字, This is what we mean by ideograms and ideograms.
有的象形字, Some pictographs,
比如我们学过的, Like what we have learned,
日月皿, Sun and moon dish,
山石等, Rocks, etc.
可以直接用来组成另一个字, Can be used directly to form another word,
有的则需要略作变化, Some need to change slightly,
这就是汉字中说的字头字旁, This is next to the word prefix in Chinese characters.
水渍, Water stains,
用什么代表呢? What is the representative? 这 叫做三点水, This is called three water,
是汉字中常用的字, Is a commonly used word in Chinese characters,
请他表示与水有关的意思, Ask him to express his meaning related to water,
三点水, Three points of water,
这两点表示冰矿, These two points represent ice mines,
冰是水冻结而成的, Ice is frozen by water.
再加个水字, Add a water word,
这就是京紫, This is Jing Zi,
夏天天热, It’s hot in summer,
你们喜欢吃冰棒, You like to eat popsicles,
你们看, Look,
两点水, Two points of water,
右边加个水字就是冰棒的冰 子, Adding a water word on the right side is the ice of the popsicle.
冬天人们又喜欢滑冰, People like to skate in winter.
都是这个字, It’s all this word,
波音兵, Boeing soldiers,
刚才我们讲了水渍, Just now we talked about water stains,
你们说说, You talk about it,
水往哪里流啊? Where does the water flow? 没 见过水往回流, Haven't seen the water flowing back,
抱着聊, Holding a chat,
不是倒着流, Not falling backwards,
是转着流, Is turning the stream,
你没看, You didn't see it,
这河水漩涡的水流过去就流回 来, The water of the river vortex flows back,
在流过去又流回来, Flowing back and flowing back,
这就是回来的猴子, This is the monkey that came back,
这回是漩涡的形象, This time is the image of the whirlpool.
外边的大头是外边旋转的水 流, The outer big head is the water flowing outside,
里边的小方块是凹陷的水流, The small square inside is a sag of water.
为, for,
周围回, Around,
为字的本义就是旋转, The original meaning of the word is rotation,
比如说回淮安, For example, back to Huai'an,
回旋, Roundabout,
我要回家哎, I want to go home,
回家的回字也是这么写, The word returning home is also written like this.
回回家的回, Going back home,
冰滑冰的冰, Ice skating ice,
水和水的水, Water and water,
三点水, Three points of water,
的, of,
穿, wear,
快点儿, Hurry up,
老爷爷老爷爷摔倒了, Grandfather and grandfather fell,
这是棵什么树啊, What kind of tree is this?
啊, what,
的, of,
对面的山坡上, Opposite the hillside,
密密麻麻的, Dense,
嗯, Ok,
老奶奶的棺材就是用板栗做 的, The grandmother’s coffin is made of chestnut.
松树, pine,
柏树还是杨树, Cypress or poplar,
柳树, willow,
榆树, elm,
它们的质地都是一样的, Their texture is the same,
就是木, Is wood,
所以, and so,
折木啊, Folding wood,
是各种树木的总称, It is the general name of various trees.
怎么看? How do you think? 各 种树木都有树枝树干, All kinds of trees have branches and trunks.
和数根, And a few roots,
汉字金融一横表示支撑, Chinese character finance shows support,
再用一束表示树干, Use a bunch to represent the trunk,
再用一撇一捺表示树根, Use one to one to represent the root of the tree,
这就是象形字木, This is the pictograph wood.
有人认为古代树木很多, Some people think that there are many ancient trees.
一睁眼满目都是树, A blink of an eye is a tree,
所以就把它, So just take it,
你眼目的目读作同音, Your eyes are read as homophones,
木, wood,
魔物木, Monster wood,
啊, what,
哎, Hey,
啊, what,
这苹果的形状是什么样子啊, What is the shape of this apple?
画个圆圈, Draw a circle,
空的是虚的, Empty is imaginary,
再加上一横一竖, Plus one horizontal and one vertical,
苹果, apple,
桃子, peach,
李子, Plum,
杏子早, Apricot is early,
都是长在树上的, Are growing on the tree,
书的总称, The general name of the book,
是什么呢? what is it then? 实木, Solid wood,
下边加个木字, Add a wooden word below,
表示苹果长在树上, Means that the apple grows on the tree,
这就是果子, This is the fruit,
哥, brother,
我果苹果, I am apple,
红果果实的果, Fruit of red fruit,
我, I,
果实都有一层外皮包裹, The fruit has a layer of skin wrap,
所以这个字的读音与包裹的果 一样, So the pronunciation of this word is the same as the fruit of the package.
毒果, Poisonous fruit,
火, fire,
好了, All right,
每人一个, One per person,
给妈妈吃, Give it to my mother,
树木长到一定高度都要胜出 呀, Trees must win when they reach a certain height.
唱, sing,
这就是压榨的鸭子, This is the squeezed duck,
与发芽的芽同音, Same as the sprouting bud,
意思也很相近呀, The meaning is very similar,
一啊呀, Ah,
这个字, This word,
是灌木丛的形象, Is the image of the bushes,
上面两竖两点表示灌木和枝 叶, The two vertical points on the top indicate shrubs and foliage.
下面一横, Below a horizontal,
表示地平线, Representing the horizon,
因为枝叶繁多, Because there are many branches and leaves,
所以它的读音与枝叶的叶相 同, So its pronunciation is the same as the leaves of the branches,
页, page,
现在社会上有各种各样的行 业, There are various industries in the community now.
职业视线通常都是用这个叶子 来表示, Career sights are usually represented by this leaf.
啊, what,
哎, Hey,
嗯, Ok,
你, you,
小心, Be careful,
走走, Walk away,
这是谷子, This is the millet,
那边有高粱运, There is a high luck there,
远处的水田里还有稻谷, There is rice in the paddy field in the distance.
这些农作物也有一个通称, There is also a general term for these crops.
叫做额, Called the amount,
俗称, Commonly known as
庄稼, Crops,
你没看, You didn't see it,
他跟树木一样有骨干, He has the same backbone as trees.
养殖业, Aquaculture,
也有喷, There are also sprays,
所以说它的下半截与数目相 同, So the lower half of it is the same as the number.
这庄稼成熟以后, After the crop matures,
分林中了, In the forest,
穗子就垂下来, The tassels hang down,
只有一撇来表示, Only one glimpse,
这种榆木区别开了, This kind of coffin is different,
这就是所有农作物的代称, This is the name for all crops.
盒子, box,
这个字还常用来组成另外的行 一字一音字, This word is also often used to form another line of one word and one word.
人们习惯的称它为和睦, People used to call it harmony,
额, amount,
额额, Amount,
业职业行业的业, Industry, industry,
要唱的呀, I want to sing,
不就不得不, Don't have to,
哎, Hey,
认识这个字吗? Do you know this word? 看 看, Look,
这笔杆儿, This pen,
是用什么做的? What is it used for? 哎, Hey,
这就是竹子的竹子, This is the bamboo bamboo,
啊, what,
不一样啊, Not the same,
哎, Hey,
你们见过竹子林吗? Have you seen bamboo forest? 你 呢, What about you,
可没见过哦, Haven't seen it,
哈哈哈哈哈, Hahahahaha,
你会见到的, You will see,
啊, what,
对, Correct,
你看他长得跟我写的字像不像 啊, You see that he looks like a word written by me,
嗯, Ok,
嗯呀, Uh,
这就是竹林的竹子, This is the bamboo of the bamboo forest.
因为竹子很少单独一棵生长, Because bamboo rarely grows alone,
一长就是一大片, A long is a big piece,
所以用两棵竹来表示很多的意 思, So use two bamboos to express a lot of meanings.
卓, Zhuo,
没见过没见过, Haven't seen it before,
这什么啊? What is this? 能不能把它收割之后, Can you harvest it,
混扎成捆儿, Mixed into bundles,
然后浸泡在水里, Then soak in the water,
这道工序叫做肉麻, This process is called numbness.
过一段时间之后便可以剥麻皮 了, After a while, you can peel the skin.
这就是嘛, That's it,
它的纤维非常结实, Its fiber is very strong,
可以用它来织布, You can use it to weave,
网线, cable,
拧麻绳, Twist the rope,
这就是麻子, This is the pockmark,
忙, busy,
摩尔玛, Molma,
麻神的嘛, What about the gods,
看他鸡巴蛋在干什么, Look at what his cock is doing,
哥呀, Brother,
割韭菜, Cut the leeks,
韭菜被割, The leek is cut,
出来, come out,
好像永久生长, Seems to grow permanently,
所以叫做韭菜, So called amaranth,
这就是韭菜的韭字, This is the word for leek,
九, nine,
奇偶九, Parity nine,
韭菜可以包饺子, Amaranth can make dumplings,
还可以炒菜呢, You can also cook,
下这西瓜真大, This watermelon is really big,
多好, How good,
西瓜就是这么长出来的呀, Watermelon is so grown,
西瓜, watermelon,
冬瓜还有南瓜, Winter melon and pumpkin,
所有的瓜都是接在瓜娃儿上 呢, All the melons are attached to the melons.
这就是瓜子, This is the melon seeds,
外面的慌, Panic outside,
表示观望, Expressing a wait and see,
中间是花的果实, In the middle is the fruit of the flower,
瓜, melon,
哥啊瓜, Brother, melon,
啊, what,
这两棵小草要变啦, These two grasses are going to change,
这是一个早期的象形字, This is an early pictograph,
哦, Oh.
草字是译音字, The word grass is the transliteration word.
我们以后再学, We will learn again later.
这只是草字的一半, This is only half of the word,
跟竹子一样, Like bamboo,
不能单独一棵生长, Can't grow alone,
所以我们就用两颗来表示, So we use two to represent,
他老是头, He is always the head,
瓜西瓜的瓜, Melon watermelon melon,
韭菜的韭, Amaranth,
妈妈想干嘛? What does mom want to do? 镯 子, bracelet,
那爷爷, That grandfather,
是啊, Yes,
刚才还在呢, Just still,
怎么转眼就不见了, How can I disappear without blinking?
老爷爷, Grandpa,
老爷爷, Grandpa,
别喊了, Don't shout,
明天还会见到的, I will see you tomorrow,
真高啊, Really high,
嗯, Ok,
你没看鸟, You didn't watch the birds,
我喜欢小鸽子, I like little pigeons,
这个象形字念飞, This pictogram is flying,
因为古代只有鸟类才能在天上 飞, Because only birds in ancient times can fly in the sky,
所以依照鸟类飞行的样子就写 成这个字, So write the word according to the way the bird flies.
那横折弯钩是表示鸟类的头, The horizontal hook is the head of the bird.
身子和尾巴, Body and tail,
右边的两点表示鸟的翅膀, The two dots on the right represent the wings of the bird.
不对, wrong,
不光是鸟能飞, Not only can birds fly,
飞机飞船都能飞呀什么呀? What can the plane spacecraft fly? 老爷爷说的是古代的事啊, The old grandfather said that it was an ancient thing.
古人创造汉字的时候是没有飞 机的呀, When the ancients created Chinese characters, there was no plane.
非, non,
菲菲, Feifei,
看, Look,
应, should,
这也是个妃子, This is also a blind man,
也是依照秒飞的样子创造的, It was also created in the same way as the second flight.
这个字并不表示飞行, This word does not mean flying,
而用作是非的非, Used as a right and wrong,
鸟要飞呢, The bird is going to fly,
就得分开翅膀, I have to separate my wings.
所以这个字就有分开相背, So this word is separated,
不和不是的意思, What does not mean, and
非, non,
菲菲, Feifei,
是非的非, Right and wrong,
小燕子小燕子, Little Swallow Little Swallow,
这个字, This word,
是一只燕子的形象, Is the image of a swallow,
为什么要把它叫做燕子? Why call it a swallow? 为 什么不叫飞鸟画花鸟呢? Why not ask birds to draw flowers and birds? 古人认为, The ancients believed that
天气炎热时, When the weather is hot,
炎热, Hot,
所以, and so,
也有人认为他喜欢住在房檐 下, Others think that he likes to live under the eaves.
所以读作盐, So read as salt,
也有人认为, Others believe that
他们经常叽叽喳喳的互相说 话, They often talk to each other awkwardly,
是一种有语言的鸟, Is a language bird,
所以教研, So teaching and research,
不过这都不可考证, However, this cannot be verified.
为了语言的发音有所区别, For the pronunciation of the language is different,
就读作去声, Read as a voice,
哦, Oh.
现在说是四声, Now it’s four sounds,
夜, night,
在哪儿? Where? 在哪儿啦? Where is it? 这镜子是一只喜鹊的形象, This mirror is a magpie image.
左上的一帖, a post on the top left,
是嘴, Is the mouth,
右上的红色, Red on the upper right,
都是头里面的1.2是眼睛, It’s all 1.2 in the head is the eye,
中间的竖折钩代表身子翅膀, The vertical hook in the middle represents the wings of the body.
很美啊, Very beautiful,
左下的一横是爪子, The bottom left is a paw,
鸟, bird,
毛衣袄秒, Sweaters leap second,
种类很多, many kinds of,
陆地上最常见最多见的是麻 雀, The most common thing on land is the sparrow.
这个字是一只麻雀刚刚起飞的 形象, This word is the image of a sparrow just taking off.
读音是追, The pronunciation is chasing,
隹, Oh,
是短尾鸟的统称, Is the general name for short-tailed birds,
比如麻雀, Like a sparrow,
黄雀等等, Yellow bird, etc.
追, chase,
只乌龟, Only a turtle,
为什么要念呢? Why do you want to read it? 因 为他们通常是成群成群的生活, Because they are usually hordes of life,
所以不追, So don’t chase,
可是古人把这个字读作堆, But the ancients read this word as a heap.
就是现在也有一些人把一堆都 做一堆, Even now, some people have made a bunch of piles.
堆都是鸟的形象, The pile is the image of a bird,
古文字是相通的, Ancient scripts are connected,
啊, what,

*** ***

小燕子的夜, Little Swallow's Night,
讯飞的呗, The flight of Xunfei,
杯, cup,
小哥哥太笨了, The little brother is too stupid,
爱, Love,
啊, what,
啊, what,
呢, ,
这个字是一只牛头的正面形 象, This word is a positive image of a bull's head.
上面的一撇一横表示牛的双 角, The upper one and the horizontal indicate the double angle of the cow,
下面的一横表示两个耳朵, The lower one shows two ears,
中间的一竖表示牛脸, The middle of the vertical indicates the bull's face,
这种动物的性格非常固执, The character of this animal is very stubborn.
非常别扭, Very awkward,
非常执拗, Very stubborn,
所以人们就把它称作牛, So people call it cows,
哪有牛, Where are the cows,
黄牛, cattle,
水牛, buffalo,
牦牛, Yak,
犀牛, rhinoceros,
铁牛, tractor,
你又想说铁牛是拖拉机? You want to say that the iron bull is a tractor? 那就叫牛就机票, Then call the cow a ticket.
那是死牛, That is a dead cow,
反正不讲你, I won't talk about you anyway,
哥哥啦, Brother,
除了你哦, Except you,
还有什么动物有脚, What other animals have feet?
羊? sheep? 光会耍杂技, Light will play acrobatics,
还会踢足球呢, I still play football,
还会给人按摩呢, Will give a massage,
我, I,
这就是大象的象字, This is the elephant's elephant,
上面的一撇和一则表示大象的 鼻子, The top one and the other indicate the elephant's nose,
这个变方块儿, This changed square,
表示头和两只耳朵, Representing the head and two ears,
她的下身, Her lower body,
猪相似, Pigs are similar,
所以就用屎来表示, So use 屎 to express,
下, under,
西一昂像, Xi Yi Ang,
真吓人, Really scary,
那不是狗, That is not a dog,
是狼, Is a wolf,
野狼, Wild wolf,
对是狼, It’s a wolf,
卡, card,
这才是大狗呢, This is the big dog,
狼和狗原本都是同类, The wolf and the dog were originally the same type.
可是古人把它们从小饲养起 来, But the ancients raised them from an early age.
久而久之, Over time,
凡是被饲养的以及它们繁殖的 后代, Any offspring that are raised and that they breed,
野性越来越少, Wildness is getting less and less,
变得比较驯服了, Become more tamed,
哦, Oh.
要饲养, To raise,
就要把他们圈在窝里, I have to circle them in the nest.
所以就把圈养大的狗叫做圈, So I call the captive dog a circle.
变调为犬三声, Changed to three dogs,
玩, play,
这就是圈子, This is the circle,
区域安全, Regional security,
选, selected,
你说三点水, You said three water,
表示什么, What does it mean,
表示与水有关, Indicates that it is related to water,
草字头呢, Grass head,
那么, Then,
该用什么来代表喘呢? What should I use to represent asthma? 这就是串字的字旁, This is next to the word of the string.
就像三点水代表水一样, Just like three waters represent water,
全字旁表示与船有关, The whole word indicates that it is related to the ship.
不过他不能够单独使用, But he can't use it alone,
凶猛的野兽, Ferocious beast,
他跑起来特别快, He ran very fast,
就像是一支射出的箭, Like a shot of an arrow,
建设小目标, Building small goals,
达到终点, Reach the end,
射中靶子, Shoot the target,
古人称之为智, The ancients called it wisdom.
野兽捕捉住了猎物, The beast caught the prey,
就像箭射中了靶子一样, Just like an arrow hits a target,
所以就把这个奔跑如箭的野兽 也叫做聚, So I will call this beast that runs like an arrow.
这个字, This word,
是他侧面蹲坐的形象, It is the image of his side sitting,
大多用作字行, Mostly used as word lines,
啊, what,
抱字怎么写, How to write the word,
豹子10亿银子我们以后再 学, Leopard 1 billion silver, we will learn again later,
现在先学象形字, Now learn the pictograms first,
这个字, This word,
是豹字的一半, Is half of the leopard word,
用它作字旁组成的新字, Use it as a new word next to the word,
表示与此类动物有关, Indicates that it is related to such animals,
至, to,
选, selected,
你, you,
犬字旁, Next to the dog word,
现在, just now,
复习昨天学过的字好不好啊? Is it good to review the words I learned yesterday? 看, Look,
像大象的象, Like an elephant,
雪表示之类的雪, Snow, such as snow,
牛黄牛水牛犀牛, Cow yellow cattle buffalo rhinoceros,
我就是属牛的吧, I am a cow,
呵呵呵呵! Hehehehe! 爷爷哎, Grandpa,
俺来啦, Come on,
小心, Be careful,
你怕? Are you afraid? 没 见过老虎, Haven't seen a tiger,
走来走去, walk around,
就让他坐下, Just let him sit down,
这个字是老虎正面蹲坐的形 象, This word is the image of the tiger sitting on its front.
上边一竖一横是它的两只耳 朵, The upper side is horizontal and its two ears.
中间是头和张大的嘴, In the middle is the head and the big mouth.
下面是两条前腿, Below are the two front legs,
左边一撇是身子和尾巴, On the left is a body and tail.
它吼叫的声音很大, It screams loudly,
在草丛中奔跑起来, Running in the grass,
是步步生风, It’s a step by step,
呼呼有声, Whistling,
所以人们就把它称为湖, So people call it the lake,
和五老虎的虎, And the tiger of the five tigers,
给我来, Give it to me,
早被我吓跑啦, I was scared away by me,
走吧, Let's go,
嗯, Ok,
这是什么? what is this? 这是狗熊的爪子印, This is the paw print of the bear.
在哪, where,
在哪儿? Where? 大狗熊真可怕, The big bear is terrible.
你这个呢? What about you? 也可怕吗, Also terrible,
呢, ,
大狗熊, Big bear,
这是熊的头和身子, This is the head and body of the bear.
这14条腿, These 14 legs,
后来因为汉字要写成方块形 了, Later, because the Chinese characters were written in a square shape,
嗯, Ok,
就变成这个样子, It becomes like this,
熊的皮毛很厚, The bear's fur is thick,
非常耐寒, Very cold resistant,
古人说他体内有火, The ancients said that he had a fire in his body.
所以就在下面加上四个点, So just add four points below,
表示有火的意思, Expressing the meaning of fire,
这就是熊, This is the bear,
西红雄, Xi Hongxiong,
狗熊的熊, Bear bear,
学, learn,
嗯, Ok,
小孩子都喜欢大熊猫, Children like giant pandas.
是吗? is it? 嗯, Ok,
好, it is good,
现在就让你们去看嘛, Let me go see it now,
走, go,
应该叫万马奔腾, It should be called Wanma Pentium,
哪一年四季都很忙, Which year is very busy,
就连吃草睡觉也都是站着, Even grazing and sleeping are standing.
很少像其他动物一样落在地 上, Rarely land on the ground like other animals,
所以马就是忙的变音, So the horse is a busy voice,
马么啊, What about horses,
雄, male,
我我是老虎, I am a tiger,
嗷呜, Oh,
我才不怕呢, I am not afraid,
哈哈哈哈! Hahahaha! 你喜欢吗? Do you like it? 好 玩汉字的哥哥说的对, The brother who is fun with Chinese characters is right,
他, he,
长颈鹿, giraffe,
真好看, So lovely,
这是什么小小的喇叭, What is this little speaker,
这也是鹿迷鹿, This is also the deer stag,
梅花鹿, Sika deer,
对, Correct,
麋鹿, elk,
梅花鹿, Sika deer,
他们都是路, They are all roads,
这个字是一只露侧面奔跑的形 象, This word is an image of a running side.
上边的一点一横和左边的一帖 只鹿角, One point on the top and one on the left are only antlers.
木头和前途, Wood and future,
其余部分是露的身子和后腿, The rest is the exposed body and hind legs.
鹿的弱点是不善于伪装, The weakness of the deer is not good at camouflage.
我想其他动物藏在洞里或者草 丛中, I think other animals are hidden in the cave or in the grass.
她喜欢悠闲的活动, She likes leisure activities.
把自己暴露出来, Expose yourself,
所以人们称它为路, So people call it the road,
和暴露的露同音, And exposed to the same sound,
路, road,
乐悟路, Le Wu Road,
梅花鹿, Sika deer,
麋鹿的路, The road of the elk,
喜欢动物啦, Like animals,
我也喜欢, I would also like,
不一定吧, Maybe not,
老鼠, mouse,
西瓜, watermelon,
田鼠最可恨了, The voles are the most hateful,
你, you,
在? in? 这是老鼠的头和牙齿, This is the head and teeth of the mouse.
这是他的腿和爪子, This is his legs and claws,
就是身子和尾巴, Is the body and tail,
因为它的数量很多, Because of its large number,
又因为他串来串去, And because he stringed it,
嗖的一下就不见了, I’m gone, I’m gone.
所以人们就把它叫做数, So people call it a number,
15鼠, 15 rats,
老鼠, mouse,
松鼠, squirrel,
袋鼠, kangaroo,
袋鼠, kangaroo,
属, Genus,
嗯, Ok,
你怎么啦? What happened to you? 哈 哈哈哈哈, Hahahahaha,
那就让你再看一个你喜欢的动 物, Then let you see another animal you like,
啊, what,
这个字是一只兔子的侧面奔跑 的形象, This word is the image of a rabbit running sideways.
上边是他的耳朵和头, Above is his ear and head.
左边一撇是它的前腿, The one on the left is its front leg.
右边是他的后腿, On the right is his hind legs.
那一点儿是他短小的吻, That is his short kiss,
这是一只野兔, This is a hare,
因为它的颜色与图相近, Because its color is similar to the picture,
又是住在土窝里, I live in the earthen nest,
所以就发图, So just send a picture,
而已, Only,
为了一处区别读四声, In order to read four sounds in one place,
科目two, Subject two,
野兔, Hare,
家兔, Rabbit,
白兔的兔, White rabbit,
小白兔, White Rabbit,
小白兔, White Rabbit,
我最喜欢小白兔, I like rabbits the most,
因为我就属小白兔哦, Because I am a little white rabbit,
特别, especially,
有大小s, There is a size s,
喂, Hey,
你, you,
嗯怎么样啊? How are you? 送给你, For you,
长高, Growing tall,
先复习, Review first,
呵呵呵! Hehehe! 说老鼠胆小, Said the mouse is timid,
落梅花路的路, The road to the plum road,
还有错, Still wrong,
哥哥快看蛇, My brother is watching the snake,
我看见了, I saw it,
好吧, Ok,
怕就别看, I’m afraid, don’t look at it,
不, Do not,
让我看, Let me see,
要看, Look,
这是一条很长的爬虫, This is a very long reptile.
因为它长, Because it is long,
所以在很多地方人们都把它叫 做长城, So in many places people call it the Great Wall.
就是蛇, Is a snake,
为什么这样说呢? Why do you say this way? 因 为, because,
蛇的形状, The shape of the snake,
很像一条麻绳, Much like a twine,
或是草绳, Or straw rope,
蛇是神的殿军, The snake is the temple of the gods.
不, Do not,
折, fold,
我们以后再学, We will learn again later.
都黑, All black,
这个字读重, This word reads heavy,
长虫的虫, Long worm,
还有各种昆虫, There are also various insects,
还有人常说的益虫害虫, There are also people who say that beneficial insect pests,
都是这个虫子, It’s all this bug,
吃蚊虫, Eating mosquitoes,
重, weight,
此外还有几个汉字, In addition, there are several Chinese characters.
也是一条蛇的形象创造出来 的, Also created by the image of a snake,
你们看, Look,
这条蛇是否有毒, Is this snake toxic?
现在的人一眼就可以看得出 来, Now people can see it at a glance.
可是在很早以前, But long ago,
人们还不具备辨别毒蛇的知 识, People still don't have the knowledge to distinguish snakes.
所以都很怕蛇, So they are very afraid of snakes,
更可笑的是把蛇当做神, What is even more ridiculous is to regard the snake as a god.
不敢直呼其名, Don’t dare to call his name,
一旦见了蛇, Once you see the snake,
就战战兢兢的说他他, Said he and he,
嗯, Ok,
这就是他自己车啊, This is his own car,
他, he,
再见到大蟒还害怕吗? Goodbye to Daxie still afraid? 好, it is good,
太, too,
大马离开大树, Malaysia leaves the big tree,
表在地上爬行, The table crawls on the ground,
即使不动也是爬在草上, Climb on the grass even if you don’t move.
所以人们称它为吧, So people call it it,
读音爬相近, The pronunciation is similar,
八, Eight,
波啊吧, Wave,
双头蛇, Double-headed snake,
这也是个象形字, This is also a pictogram.
跟刚才学过的八字八字形状相 似, Similar to the shape of the character that has just been learned,
读音是也, The pronunciation is also,

哥哥写汉字, Brother writes Chinese characters,
妹妹也学汉字, My sister also learns Chinese characters.
哥哥是好孩子, My brother is a good boy,
妹妹也是好孩子, My sister is also a good boy.
就用的是这个叶子, I use this leaf,
明白啦, understood,
长城昆虫的虫, Great Wall insect insects,
它是一条蛇的他, It is a snake, he
波波, Bobo,
这个字虽然是一条蛇的形象, Although this word is a snake image,
可不是用来表示蛇的, Not used to represent snakes,
而是用它来表示其他的意思, Instead use it to mean other things,
那么这个八字通常用在哪里知 道吗? So where do you usually know this horoscope? 八点的班, Eight o'clock class,
嗯, Ok,
好用的很好, It’s very easy to use,
爷爷, grandfather,
这些汉字, These Chinese characters,
妹妹也学汉字, My sister also learns Chinese characters.
是好孩子, It’s a good boy,
不是好孩子, Not a good boy,
我, I,
嘿嘿嘿嘿嘿, Oh,
了, ,
爱, Love,
嗯, Ok,
了, ,
不给你看, Do not show you,
嗯, Ok,
你, you,
哎, Hey,