乂义 丈 史 吏 使更 便 govern justice husband historian civil servant ambassador more convenient

乂义丈史吏使更便 in this character series we see the unfolding of an abstract concept into its various concrete instances. Meanings: govern justice husband historian civil servant ambassador more convenient. Details follow.


regulate govern control “x marks the spot”. yi4


justice. this is simplified. revolutionary justice is execution: it doesn’t just look like a skull and crossbones. yi4

丈 zhang

Literally ten feet but much more frequently as zhangfu, husband. zhang4

史 shi

Originally an ambassador who would go to the neutral zone between (中) two armies. So it is a distortion of zhong1 (中). In modern Chinese: a historian. shi3

吏 li

Memotechnique: Mr. Li is a civil servant. 李先生 是一位 吏

Although the name li (李) means plum tree the term li means civil servant, functionnaire, bureaucrat. li4

使 shi3

Ambassador. To differentiate the ambassador from a mere historian or civil servant administrative scholar the human determinant is added to the left. 大使馆 dashiguan embassy. shi3

更 geng

This is the night watchman he bears a drum and beats out the time every Two Hours. By extension: exchange, rotation. The idea is that of the night watchman so it’s meaning requires a bit of context. The guard walks the central () field (田) between two competing armies. His patrol rounds are TWO HOURS; CHANGING (of the guard). geng1 One civil servant walks the field at two a.m. to sound the night watch of the changing of the guard.

更 geng

This is the night watchman  By extension: more. His patrol is two MORE hours. One civil servant walks the field (田) at two a.m. to sound the night watch of the changing of the guard. geng4

便 bian

Convenient; euphemism for using the toilet because it is ORDINARY and CONVENIENT to USE THE TOILET

Memotechnique: some guy at 2 a.m. off to the side of the night watchman taking a piss in the woods. This is why he is not an ambassador historian or civil servant! bian4

便 pian

Cheap, inexpensive. Pian2. CHEAP things cost a penny pianyi. Cheap things are convenient.