推荐 HSK6 Lesson 24 Vocabulary 高山流水

ling3hui4 understand grasp

内涵nei4han2 meaning connotation
晴朗qing2lang3 sunny
清澈qing1che4 clear
出身chu1shen2 absorbed in lost in thought
弦xian2 string of a ninstrument
美妙mei3miao4 beautiful fantastic
砍伐kan3fa2 cut down chop
平凡ping2fan2 ordinary
乐谱yue4pu3 musical score
赞叹zan4tan4 admire, praise highly
创作chuang4zuo4 compose write
min2jian1 common people folks
精通jing1tong1 to master be proficient in 

难能可贵 nan2neng2ke3gui4 praisworthy for one’s excellent conduct, rare and commendable 例如:这位新大很难能可贵

应邀ying2yao1 to be at someone’s invitation
钦佩qin1pei4 admire respect think highly of
演奏yan3you4 play an instrument give a musical performance
豪迈hao2mai4 bold and generous, heroic
旋律xuan2lu4 melody
雄伟xiong2wei3 magnificent majestic grand
壮观zhong4guan1 spectacular
气势qi4shi4 momentum
气魄qi4po4 boldness, spirit
曲折qu1zhe2 tortuous, winding

节奏jie2zou4 rhythm

短促duan3cu4 short, brief
波涛bo1tao1 great waves
溅jian4 splash
气概qi4qai4 spirit courage
含义han2yi4 meaning, implication
荒凉huang1liang2 desolate wild
领悟ling3wu4 understand, realize
侃侃而谈kan3kan3er2tan2 speak with fervor and assurance
投机tou2ji1 congenial agreeable
黎明li2ming2 dawn
告辞gao4ci2 take leave
黄昏huang2hun1 dusk
降临jiang4lin2 descend befall
沮丧ju3sang4 disappointed depressed
变故bian4gu4 accident unforeseen event
坟墓fen2mu4 grave tomb
不止bu4zhi3 ceaseless
粉碎fen3sui4 smash
向来xiang4lai2 always all along
凄凉qi1liang2 sad miserable
谊shen1qing2 hou4yi1 profound feelings of friendship, deep friendship

zhen1zhi4 sincere

纯洁 chun2jie2 pure