
kong1 cheng2 ji4

Literally: empty fortified city strategy


As a military strategy this is the idea to leave a tempting target completely unguarded, not necessarily to convince the enemy to attack it and thus fall into an ambush but instead to convince the enemy that the tempting target is in fact a trap, and thus to dissuade the enemy from attacking it. Usually somewhat inexactly translated as “empty castle” or “empty fort” strategy. Confucius in the movie of that name is purported to have used this strategem to bring peace to four of the warring states, dissuading each of them in turn from waging war to achieve their goals.


mei3 ren2 ji4


Usually translated as “honey trap” the beautiful girl strategy (lit.) is used to both lure a victim into a trap, to bribe the victim, and to obtain thereby vital intelligence from the enemy as well as influence over the enemy’s policies.