称程秤(稱) cheng

称 程 秤(稱) cheng

禾he2 grain

In the following characters 禾 appears, yet all four 称, 程, 秤(稱),  sound like cheng.

The common semantic concept is: weighing (of e.g. grain) on a balance (which looks like the figure for grain).

称 cheng1 to weigh, (publicly) then state (proudly) the accurate measured weight: thou didst weigh and state proudly thy measure of grain.


程, cheng2 rule regulation order namely the regulation and rule of what the weighed object weighs, the official weights and measures rule.  Top right is “mouth” 口 bottom right is king 王 The mouth of the king states the order, the rule, as to the proper measure of grain. https://hanziyuan.net/#程

秤 cheng4 the scale, balance on which the grain is weighed, later became also “steelworks”. Right component means “level”

稱 cheng4 this is a variant character of  秤