臼 two hands grasping A MORTAR 馅 陷 掐 (most or even all characters with 臼)

臼 馅 陷 掐

臼 Jiù  mortar as in mortar and pestle

馅 xiàn stuffing filling

陷 xiàn pitfall, trap, capture, fall to the enemy

掐 qiā pinch nip clutch 

桕 a type of tree

齨 tooth 

舀yao3 to ladle out

舊旧old ancient


舁yu2 lift raise

舅jiu4jiu4 maternal uncle

舄xi4 sole slipper

鼠shu3 mouse

裒pou2 collect

some of these are not in CEDict but as they are generally associative idea characters it is usually 2 hands grasping / mortar and then the remainder e.g. 閰 two hands grasping at the door would be likely a door-keeper, hat-check or such or even a customs official and would likely rhyme with men2 or jiu and might even combine them into something like jian zhen  mou mi

臾yu2 a moment
臿cha1 separate chaff from wheat
舂chong1 pound grain
興兴xing1 flourish popular
舉ju3 raise lift up

舋xin4 quarrel, blood sacrifice