$0 is the regex for the find what text

$0 is the regex for the find what text

$0 is the regex for the findwhat text

$0 is the regex for the findwhattext

$0 is the regex for the found text 

$0 is the regex for the foundtext 

 I dunno which one is worse at “monetizing” in other words Hiding and Obscuring USEFUL information. Go ahead, search for the regex for the find text, I dare you. Feel free to check on yandex baidu bing too just to see how horrible it is. 





s blank space

[^0-9] any digit

. any character

w any alphanumeric

A paragraph break in the Search box is “$” but in the Replace box it is “n”.
You also mentioned “^.” which means the first character of a paragraph and “.$” means the last character of a paragraph.
FWIW, “^$” means a blank paragraph.