all gate radical characters 所有汉字艮门字框

门 mén gate
闩 shuān barred gate
闪 shǎn flash
问 wèn ask
闭 bì block
闯 chuǎng rush outmaneuver
闬 hàn Village gate
闫 yán Mr. Yan
间 jiān between 4gap
闲 xián idle leisure
闷 mèn stuffy
闵 mǐn Mr. Min
闰 rùn Leap Days
闱 wéi Door to woman’s room
闳 hóng big gate
闶 kàng open space in architecture
闹 nào noisy
闸 zhá gear, brake, lock of a canal, sluice,
闻 wén listen
阁 gé cabinet, room to a woman’s chamber, bedroom, political cabinet, rack shelf
闺 guī woman’s chamber
阀 fá powerful person family clique
闽 mǐn Fujian province
闾 lǘ Village gate
阂 hé obstruct
闼 tà door of an inner room
闿 kǎi loosen open
䦶 zhèng

阅 yuè read review inspect peruse
阆 làng lofty, high gate , empty moat
阃 kǔn threshold, inner apartments, woman, wife (honorific)
阄 jiū lots as in lotto
䦷 chuài
阎 yán village gate, Yama (a Chinese demon)
阐 chǎn enlighten disclose express open
阈 yù threshold
阉 yān castrate
阊 chāng heavenly gate, palace gate
阍 hūn door keeper
阌 wén a province in china
阏 è block restrain control
阋 xì argue quarrel
阇 dū defensive platform over a gate, barbican
阔 kuò broad, wide, rich
阑 lán  railing ballustrade
阕 què section of a song, shut
阒 qù quiet, to live alone
阓 huì gate of a market
阙 quē watchtower; fault, deficiency
阖 hé  door, to close, whole
阗 tián fill up, rumbling sound
阘 tà upper story window or door
阚 kàn glance, peep
阛 huán wall around a market place