HSK5 lesson 29 part 2

HSK5 lesson 29 part 2

生态 ecology商业 business 领域 field domain ling3yu4适当 proper促使 to urge生长 to grow妨碍 hinder fang2ai4促进 accelerate利益 profit benefit li4yi4利润 interest lirun合理-道理…
Vocab List HSK5 Lesson 32 part 2

Vocab List HSK5 Lesson 32 part 2

 好运-倒霉    Good luck-bad luck自发-被迫    Spontaneous-forced慢慢-渐渐    Slowly-gradually公共, 集体    Public, collective突然    suddenly尽力    Do your best    幸运    lucky敏感    sensitive自觉    conscious设施    facility能源    energy逐步    Step…
The Bar Exam Approaches!

The Bar Exam Approaches!

Free Law Search Engines http://mindworks.altervista.org Free Legal Commentary (including a couple of free booklets about the bar exam!) https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=879868 You…

Piao – Varieties of floating 漂    票 嫖 瞟 瓢 剽 飘 骠      螵 float(water) ticket     whoring   glance     ladle        rob        float(air) white-horse…
Translation Exercise

Translation Exercise

​这是毛泽东的一些要做的事情: 必须发展中国特色社会主义。 必须提倡中国化宗教。 提高道德水平,公民意识和家庭美德。 改善礼节,个人诚信,职业道德。 确保干净的互联网和网络空间。 所有的待办事项都伴随着少量诗歌。 “具有中国特色的社会主义……来自五千年的中国文化……一种健全,以人为本并提高道德标准的文化……。 “还必须鼓励不在党内的知识分子帮助建立中国特色的社会主义。

允 充 弃 允yun3 permit it’s a picture of mom nursing a baby. she PERMITS it. 充chong1 fulfill the child…


The first people to insult the police are also generally the first people to call the police for help. They…


These are some of the logical connectors in Chinese. 只有。。。就 只有。。。才 既是。。。也 尽管。。。但是 无论。。。都 既然。。。就 与其。。。不如 除非。。。否则 除了。。。都 不管。。。都 不是。。。就是…
Advanced Vocabulary Terms

Advanced Vocabulary Terms

坚持 solid+support=PERSIST JIANCHI 节奏 festival+music=RHYTHM JIEZOU 原则 source+standard/norm=PRINCIPLE YUANZE 违背 disobey/violate+burdened back = WEIBEI VIOLATE 独处 solitary+reside/place = LIVE ALONE…
Varia 禁 楚

Varia 禁 楚

禁止的 at the altar before the grove the priest made clear that which was PROHIBITED 挺清楚的 that which was prohibited…
須 xiu

須 xiu

須 xiu H.irsute I.t’s U.nderstood MUSTACHE MUST BEARD OBLIGATION It’s a pictogram. 3 lines of hair on the left 2…

He split the sky and sundered the land standing tall between heaven and earth Pangu created the universe https://music.163.com/#/song?id=300363&autoplay=true&market=baiduhd


秉 bing3 争 zheng1 zheng looks a lot like bing but its meaning is somewhat different. bing3 means to grasp…