Corporations and Human Rights

How to Read a Balance Sheet (The Non-Boring Version)

Understanding Annual Reports

Common Valuation Ratios | P/E Ratio

Investment Valuation Ratios: Price/Earnings Ratio | Investopedia

Price–earnings ratio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Debt-to-equity ratio - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Return on capital employed - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Eric Engle, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Market-Based Remedies for International Human Rights Violations? 40 Willamette L. Rev. 103 (2004). Available at: {}s

Cite as: Eric Allen Engle, What You Don't Know Can Hurt You: Human Rights, Shareholder Activism, and SEC Reporting Requirements 50 Syr. L.Rev. 63 (2006). Available at: <b>Citation:</b> Eric Allen Engle, What You Don't Know Can Hurt You: Human Rights, Shareholder Activism and SEC Reporting Requirements, 57 Syracuse L. Rev. 63 (2006). Available at:

U.S. Corporate Liability for Torts of (Foreign) Subsidiaries by Eric Engle :: SSRN

Cite as: Eric Engle, Extraterritorial Corporate Criminal Liability: A Remedy for Human Rights Violations? 20 St. John's J. Legal Comment., 287 (2006). Available at:'sJLegalComment287.htm

Eric Engle, I Get By With A Little Help From My Friends. Understanding the UK Anti-Bribery Statute, By Reference to the OECD Convention and the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act 44 Int'l Law. 1173 (2010). Available at: {}s'lLaw1173.htm

Green Taxation and the EU

Eric Allen Engle, Universal Human Rights: A Generational History, 12 Ann. Surv. Int'l & Comp. L. 219 (2006).

A Social-Market Economy for Rapid Sustainable Development by Eric Engle :: SSRN

Beating bribery: Small change | The Economist

WTO Proposes Slavery for Africa | The Yes Me

We will be covering a lot of material in this module and just about all of it is useful. 

The “strategic” goal of the module is to understand how the rule of law can be generated through corporate activity. The “tactical” learning objectives are:

How to read a company balance sheet.
Accounting methods (GAAP) 
How to objectively value a company (ratio analysis)

Understanding the legal structures of a business
-Capital structure (Debt, Equity)
-Governance Structures
–Boards of directors
–Shareholder’s meetings

III. Corporate Governance
A. Soft governance
1. Resolutions
2. “Soft Law”
3. Human rights
4. Corporate Compliance

B. Hard Governance
1. Tort law
2. Criminal law (economic crimes)
3. Taxation

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