HSK 5 Lesson 21 (Hanban) Vocabulary

情愿 qing2yuan2 predestined love

逻辑luo2ji2 logic

硬/软 ying4/ruan3 hard/soft

死记硬背si3ji4ying4bei4 rote memorize

演变yan3bian2 develop

偶然ou3ran4 by chance, randomly

遗憾yi2han4 deep regret

心脏 xin3zang4 heart-organ, literal not literary.

思考si1kao3 ponder

抓紧zhua1jin3 grasp 

尽快jin3kuai4 as quickly as possible

经典jing1dian3 classics

库 ku4 storehouse 仓库cangku, 车库cheku garage

输入shu1ru4 input 输出 shuchu delete

元旦yuan2dan4 new year’s day

疾病ji2bing4 illness

创办chuang4ban4 establish

公开gong1kai1 publicize

最初zui4chu1 earliest

痛苦tong4ku3 suffer

微波wei1bo2 microblogging lit. small wave

称呼cheng1hu is called

克服ke4fu2 overcome

收集 shou1ji2 gather

包含 bao1han2 contain

繁体字 fan4ti3zi4 traditional chinese character

简体字 jian3ti3zi4 simplified character

方言 fang1yan2 dialect

称赞cheng3zan4 praise commend

真相zhen1xiang4 fact

佩服pei4fu2 admire praise complement (lit. ornamental belt+clothing)

开放 kai1fang4 open to the public

下载xia4zai4 download

单位dan1wei4 company, employer
识别shi2bie2 recognize identify distinguish
查询cha2xun2 search and retrieve
无理wu3li4 physics
完善wan2shan4 to perfect
退休tui4xiu1 retire
日程ri4chang2 daily
追求zhui1qiu2 pursue
梦想meng2xiang3 dream