HSK5 – 第二十五课:给自己加满水 (Feelings about Life)

fan3hang2 HOMEWARD BOUND on the voyage home

恶劣el4ie4 evil, vile, (decomposition: inferior hearts+small-minded power)

ke3pa4 to be feared, fearful, dreadful (lit. can fear)

feng1lang4 storm, stormy waves (lit.wind and waves)

慌张huang1 zhang1 flustered, hurried, in a flurry a rush

cang1 cabin (of a boat)

使shi3jin4 to exert oneself (with all efforts)

chao2toward (decomposition, star-rise after star-set, being guided by a star/to one’s goals day after day as the sunrisesand sets day in day out)


jianzhi simply, virtually

chen2 to sink, submerge

yan2su4 serious, solemn 

meng3lie4 strong, violent, fierce (decomposition: like a fierce dog, guarding a child, who lays out the enemies bodies in a row)

kuang2 wild, unrestrained, like a wild animal violent, fierce

wei1xie2 to threaten

平衡ping2heng2 balanced


dun1 metric ton

gang1tie3 steel

根基gen1ji1 basis, foundation

重量zhong4liang4 weight

xiang1si4 similar

feng1jing3 landscape scenery view

zhai3 narrow

万丈wan4zhang4 lofty, bottomless (fig.)

shen1yuan1 abyss, bottomless pit (fig.) (lit.: deep and distant)

you2lan3 visit, tour (lit.: voyage + check up on, examine, face)

fa1dou3 tremble shiver (lit. emit trembling)

负重fu4zhong4 bear a burden  (lit. bear + weight)

shuai1dao3 fall down, tumble (drop + overturn)

fu4nv3 woman

qi3 by chance (lit.:rise up in the passing of events and time, rise up as it goes)

si1hao2 in the slightest, at all

feng1xian3 risk

jin3shen4 cuatious prudent

效应xiao4ying4 effect (lit. transfer+excite)

xiong1 chest, breast

cheng2shou4 bear, endure (lit. bear+receive)

he2shang (Buddhist) monk

zhong1 bell, clock

che4di3 complete, thorough