HSK5, 29 Training your rival

培养 pei2yang3 foster train
对手dui4shou3 opponent rival
公寓12gong1yu2 apartment flat
文具wen2ju4 stationery
电池dian4chi2 electrical battery
日用品ri4yong4pin3 daily necessities
利润li4run4 profit
诚信cheng2xin1 in good faith, honest
媒体mei2ti3 media
对象dui4xiang4 object target
营业ying2ye4 to do business
额e2 volume amount sum
不如  bu4ru2  not as good as, inferior to
干脆gan1cui4 simply just
挤ji3 squeeze out push out
垮kua3 collapse
垄断long3duan4 monopolize
倒闭dao3bi4 go bankrupt
日新re4xin1 enthusiastic
资金zi1jin1 capital fund
傻sha3 foolish
倒霉32dao3mei2 unlucky
生态14sheng1tai4 ecology
商业14shang1ye4 business commerce
领域ling3yu4 field realm domain
适当shi4dang4 proper adequate
促使cu4shi3 urge prompt
生长sheng1zhang3 grow
妨碍fang2ai4 hinder obstruct
促进 cu4jin4 accelerate promote
利益44li4yi4 benefit interest
合理23he2li3 reasonable
万亿wan4yi1 in case, if by any chance
维持wei2chi2 keep, maintain
饱和bao3he2 saturated
不见得242bu2jian4de2 not necessarily