HSK6 – Lesson 30

 惯例guan4li4 routine
万股wan2gu4 stubborn
奢侈she1chi3 luxurious
指数zhi3shu4 index
居民ju1min2 resident
当前dang1qian2 current at present
扰乱rao3luan4 disturb disrupt
摧残cui1can2 destroy damage
普及pu3ji2 popularize
盛行sheng4xing2 prevail
过瘾guo4yin3 satisfy a craving
分泌fen1mi4 secrete
职能zhi2neng2 function
衰老shuai1lao3 aging
调剂 tiao2ji4 adjust regulate
细胞xi4bao1 cell
肿瘤zhong3liu2 tumor
癌症ai2zheng4 cancer
供不应求 gong1bu2ying4qiu2 supply inadequate for demand
枕头 zhen3tou pillow
折腾zhe1teng turn from side to side
容忍rong2ren3 bear tolerate
蹬deng1 kick
拳头quan2tou2 fist
不时bu4shi2 from time to time
气色qi4se4 complexion<br />轨道gui3dao4 track rail
酒精jiu3jing1 alcohol
不相上下bu4xiang1shang4xia4 equally matched
适宜 shi4yi2 suitable appropriate
场合 chang3he2 occasion situation
逆行 ni4xing2 driving in the wrong direction, against traffic regulations
茫然mang2ran2 blank vacant
丢三拉四diu1san1 la4si4 to be forgetful
起伏 qi3fu2 to rise and fall, undulate, ups and downs
发呆fa1dai1 to stare blankly
记性ji4xing memory
地步 di4bu4 point, situation
混乱hun4luan4 in chaos confusion disordered
恶化e4hua4 deteriorate worsen
慢性 man4xing4 chronic
总而言之 zong3er2yan2zhi1 all in all, in short
举足轻重ju3zu2qing1zhong4 to play a decisive role in
呼吁 hu1yu4 appeal call on
无动于衷 wu2dong4yu2zhong1 unmoved indifferent
竭尽全力 jie2jin4 quan2li4 to strain every nerve
根源gen1yuan2 root, cause
对付dui4fu deal with, tackle
纠正jiu1zheng4 to correct
糟蹋zao1ta4 waste, spoil
迫害po4hai4 persecute cruelly
毁灭 hui3mie4 destroy, ruin