Kangxi Radicals (Bushou)

Can you learn 214 new letters? Yes you can! Are these 214 letters the basis of ALL other Chinese characters? Yes they are! Chong bai, ming bai.

人	人	亻	human, person, people	ren2	今仁休位他	Note similarity with 八, which means eight.	单人旁(亻),人字头(人)
口	口		mouth, opening	kou3	古可名告知	Note similarity with 囗, which always encloses characters, and means enclosure.	口字旁
土	土		earth	tu3	在地型城地	Note similarity with 士, which has a longer upper stroke and shorter bottom one, and means scholar.	提土旁
女	女		woman, female	nv3	好妄始姓安		女子旁
心	心	忄,⺗	heart	xin1	必忙忘性想		竖心旁(忄),心字底(心),竖心底(⺗)
手	手	扌,龵	hand	shou3	持掌打抱押		提手旁(扌),看字头(龵),手字旁(手)
日	日		sun, day	ri4	白百明时晩	Note similarity with 曰, which is broader and lower, and means to say. Also note 白 which means white.	日字旁
月	月		moon, month	yue4	有服青朝明	This radical is actually two: moon 月 and meat 肉, but in modern Chinese, they look the same in most cases。	月字旁
木	木		tree	mu4	板相根本林	Note similarity with 禾, which means grain.	木字旁
氵	氵	水,氺	water	shui3	永泳海洋沙	Note similarity with 冫, which means ice.	水字旁(水),三点水(氵),泰字底水(氺)
火	火	灬	fire	huo3	灯炎焦然炸		火字旁(火),四点底(灬)
纟	糹	糸	silk	(mi4)	纪纸累细绩		绞丝旁(纟),独立绞丝(糸)
艹	艹	艸	grass	cao3	花英苦草茶	Note that when the radical is on top, the traditional variant has four strokes.	草字头(艹)
讠	訁	言	speech	yan2	说讲识评试		言字旁(讠)
辶	辶	⻍	walk	(chuo4)	迎通道这近		走之旁(⻌)
钅	釒	金	gold, metal	jin1	银针钱铁钟		金字旁(钅)
刂	刂	刀	knife, sword	dao1	分切初利刻	Note similarity with 力, which means force.	立刀旁(刂),刀字旁(刀)
宀	宀		roof	(mian2)	守家室字宅	Note similarity with 冖, which means cover, and with 亠, which means lid.	宝盖头
贝	貝		shell	bei4	财贪货贸员	Note similarity with 见, which means to see.	贝字旁
一	一		one	yi1	三旦正百天		横
力	力		power, force	li4	力加助勉男	Note similarity with 刀, which means knife.	力字旁
又	又		right hand	you4	反取受左友		又字旁
犭	犭	犬	dog	(quan3)	犯狂狗献猪	Note similarity with 大, which means big.	反犬旁(犭),犬字旁(犬)
禾	禾		grain	(he)	利私季和香	Note similarity with 木, which means tree.	禾木旁
⺮	⺮	竹	bamboo	zhu2	笑第简筷算		竹子头(竹字头)
虫	虫		insect	chong2	強独蛇蛋蚊	Even though this radical means insect, it's used for many organisms which aren't insects according to our taxonomy.	虫字旁
阜	阝left		mound, dam	(fu4)	防阻陆院陈	Note that there are two radicals which look like this. On the left, it means mound, dam, and on the right, it means city.	双耳刀(左耳刀)
大	大		big, very	da4	天尖因奇美		大字旁(头)
广	广		house on cliff	guang3	店府度座庭	Note similarity with 厂, which means cliff (i.e. without the house).	广字旁
田	田		field	tian2	思留略番累		田字旁
目	目	罒	eye	mu4	眼睛看相省	Note that the horizontal version can also mean net.	目字旁(目),四字头(罒)
石	石		stone	shi2	砂破碑矿码		石字旁
衤	衤	衣	clothes	yi1	初被裁裤袜	Note similarity with  礻, which means sign, show or spirit.	衣字旁(衤)
足	足	⻊	foot	zu2	跑跨跟路距		足字旁
马	馬		horse	ma3	码驾骂驻妈		马字旁
页	頁		leaf	ye4	顺须领预顶		页字旁
巾	巾		turban, scarf	(jin1)	市布帝帐帽		巾字旁
米	米		rice	mi3	类粉迷粗糖		米字旁
车	車		cart, vehicle	che1	轮软军较输		车字旁
八	八		eight	ba1	公分趴兵共	Note similarity with 人, which means human, person.	八字旁(头)
尸	尸		corpse	shi1	尺局尾居展	Note similarity with 戶, which means door, family.	尸字头
寸	寸		thumb, inch	cun4	寺尊对射付		寸字旁
山	山		mountain	shan1	岩岛岁崗岔		山字旁(头)
攵	攵	攴	knock, tap	(pu1)	收改攻做政	Note similarity with 夊, which means to walk (slowly).	反文旁(攵),旧反文旁(攴)
彳	彳		(small) step	(chi2)	彼很律微德	Note similarity with 亻, which means human, person.	双人旁
十	十		ten	shi2	什计古叶早		十字旁(头)
工	工		work	gong1	左江红巧功		工字旁
方	方		square, raft	fang1	放旅族仿房		方字旁
门	門		gate	men2	间闲问闭闻		门字框
饣	飠	食	eat, food	shi2	饭饿饮馆饱		食字旁
欠	欠		lack, yawn	qian4	欢欧欲次歌		欠字旁
儿	儿		human, legs	er2	元四光兄充	Note similarity with 人, which means human, person, and with 八 which means eight.	儿座底
冫	冫		ice	bing1	冬冷冻况净		两点水
子	子		child, seed	zi3	字学存孩季		子字旁
疒	疒		sickness	(ne4)	病痛疗疯痩		病字旁
隹	隹		(short-tailed) bird	(zhui1)	雀集难雅谁		隹字旁
斤	斤		axe	(jin1)	所新听近析		斤字旁
亠	亠		lid	(tou2)	亡交京	Note similarity with  宀, which means roof, and 冖 which means cover.	点横头
王	王	玉	jade, king	yu4, wang2	主弄皇理现	This radical is 玉, but when in composition, it looks like 王, king, and is probably more easily remembered like that.	王字旁
白	白		white	bai2	的皆皇怕迫	Note similarity with 日, which means sun.	白字旁
立	立		stand, erect	li4	音意端亲位		立字旁
羊	羊	⺶,⺷	sheep	yang2	着样洋美鲜		羊字旁
艮	艮		stopping	(gen4)	很恨恳根眼		艮字旁
冖	冖		cover	(mi4)	写军农深荣		秃宝盖
厂	厂		cliff	(han4)	厚原厉厅厕	Note similarity with 广, which has ha house on top (the dot).	厂字旁
皿	皿		dish	(min3)	盆监盟盛盖		皿字底
礻	礻	示	sign, spirit, show	shi4	社神视祝祥	Note similarity with 衤, which means clothes.	示字旁
穴	穴		cave	xue4	空突穷究窗		穴宝盖
走	走		run, walk	zou3	起超越赶徒		走字旁
雨	雨		rain	yu3	雷雪霜需露		雨字头
囗	囗		enclosure	(wei2)	回国因图团	Note similarity with 口, which does not enclose other components and means mouth.	国字框
小	小	⺌⺍	small	xiao3	少肖尚尖尘		小字旁(头)
戈	戈		halberd	(ge1)	成式战感我		戈字旁
几	几		table	ji1	朵机风凡凤		几字旁
舌	舌		tongue	she2	乱适话舍活		舌字旁
干	干		dry	gan1	平刊汗旱赶		干字旁
殳	殳		weapon	(shu1)	段没投般设		殳字旁
夕	夕		evening, sunset	xi1	外多夜名岁		夕字旁
止	止		stop	zhi3	正此步歪址		止字旁
牜	牜	牛,⺧	cow	niu2	告物解特件		牛字旁(头)
皮	皮		skin	pi2	披彼波破疲		皮字旁
耳	耳		ear	er3	取闻职聪联		耳字旁
辛	辛		bitter	xin1	辜辟辣辨辩		辛字旁
阝right	阝right	邑	city	(yi4)	那邦部都邮	Note that there are two radicals which look like this. On the left, it means mound, dam, and on the right, it means city.	双耳刀(右耳刀)
酉	酉		wine	(you3)	醉酒醒酸尊		酉字旁
青	青		green/blue	qing1	请清情晴猜		青字旁
鸟	鳥		bird	niao3	鸦鸣鸭岛鸡		鸟字旁
弓	弓		bow	gong1	引张弱第强		弓字旁
厶	厶		private	si1	公勾去私云		私字旁
户	户	戶	door, house	hu4	所房炉护启	Note similarity with 尸, which means corpse.	户字旁
羽	羽		feather	yu3	习翻翅塌扇		羽字旁
舟	舟		boat	chuan2	般船航盘艇		舟字旁
里	里		village, mile	li3	野重量理埋		里字旁
匕	匕		spoon	(bi3)	匙比北呢旨		匕字旁
夂	夂		go (slowly)	(sui1)	各條复备夏	Note similarity with 攵, which means to knock, to rap.	折文旁
见	見		see	jian4	观规视现觉	Note similarity with 贝, which means shell.	见字旁
卩	卩		seal	(jie2)	卷印却即危		单耳刀
罒	罒	网	net	wang3	罗罚罢罪罩	Note that the horizontal version can also mean net.	四字头(罒)
士	士		scholar	shi4	吉壶志声壮	Note similarity with 土, which means earth.	士字旁
勹	勹		embrace, wrap	(bao1)	包勿勾勺勻		包字头