The Devil’s Diplomatic Dictionary:  Free Supplement: John Bolt On

The T Wrecks, unable to defend itself whilst wrecking U.S. foreign policy, has failed the Darwinian test of natural selection.

T. Rex:Supplement from “The Devil’s Diplomatic Dictionary”

T Wrecks was rendered extinct by Boltanius Johannicus, to which we now turn our attention.

John Boltin’:  1) When one must go to the toilet immediately, whether to vomit or defecate, because one has eaten bad Mexican takeout. 2) When one must immediately rush to wage a blitzkrieg. Example: “Donald Trump is john boltin’ to North Korea for a fake summit.”

John Bolt On: Has many meanings, These follow.

  1. John, Bolt On: A portable toilet, in which a suspect is to be locked and interrogated, possibly using toilet water. See also: Chinese water torture; water board in.
  2. John Bolt, On: When one is locked inside of a toilet which is overflowing due to being jammed. “The john bolt is on. Help! Help.” Old Nick (q.v.) just loves their screams, devil take the hindmost. (qq.v.)

Source: The Devil’s Diplomatic Dictionary: Ann Omynous: 9781542571890: Books