This is a match game, waiting to happen… 融会贯通

 千篇一侓 Qiān piān yī lù

五花八面  wǔ huā bā miàn
乐不思蜀  lèbùsīshǔ
归心似箭  guīxīn sì jiàn
鬼鬼祟祟  guǐ guǐsuì suì
光明磊落 guāngmínglěiluò
出类拔萃  chūlèibácuì
滥竽充数  lànyúchōngshù
得心应手  déxīnyìngshǒu
力不从心  lìbùcóngxīn
民不聊生  mínbùliáoshēng
安居乐业 ānjūlèyè
太平盛世   tàipíng shèngshì
兵荒马乱 bīnghuāngmǎluàn
柳暗花明 liǔ’ànhuāmíng
强词夺理 qiǎngcíduólǐ
理直气壮 lǐzhíqìzhuàng
门庭若市 méntíngruòshì
门可罗雀 ménkěluóquè
高瞻远瞩 gāozhānyuǎnzhǔ
鼠目寸光 shǔmùcùnguāng
囫囵吞枣 húlúntūnzǎo
融会贯通 rónghuìguàntōng

One thousand pieces
have much enjoyment and forget to go back home
Returning home is like an arrow
be perfectly open in all one ‘s actions
pretend to play the Yu
what the heart wishes one ‘s hands accomplish
one ‘s strength does not match one ‘s ambitions
the people are destitute
live and work in peace
a time of national peace and order
the war was going on with all its stresses and strains
the end of hills and rivers
dense willow trees and bright flowers
use lame arguments and perverted logic
be in the right and self-confident
a deserted house
look far ahead from a high plane
read hastily and without thinking
achieve mastery through a comprehensive study of the subject