What to say? I’m a Good Egg

 If the nest is over-turned no egg will be spared
i.e. if there is a revolution or unrest in Beijing even the overseas Chinese will be badly affected.
摊 tan1 shop stall
出版 chu1ban3 publish
连环画 lian2huan2hua4 comic book
年代 nian2dai4 era, contemporaneous, age, epoch
单调 dan1diao4 bored/boring
网络 wang3luo2 network
动画片 dong4hua4pian4 cartoon film, animation
娱乐 yu2le4 entertainment
无数 wu2shu4 countless innumerable
从事 cong2shi4 engage in
毫无 hao2wu2 not in the least
疑问 yi2wen4 question, doubt
棚子 peng4zi shed shack
砖头 zhuan1tou2 brick
支 zhi1 support, measure word for elongated small round objects like chalk, pens, but also pistols
粗糙 cu1cao1 rough
木头 mu2tou2 wood
题材 ti2cai2 theme, subject matter
翻 fan4 flip (over)
搭 da1 hang over, lay over
整齐 zheng3qi2 tidy, orderly
年纪 nian2ji4 youth
身材 shen1cai2 bodily form i.e. figure (of a persons body) shape (of a person). 身材不错 not a bad figure, i.e. good looking, in shape.
成人 cheng2ren2 adult
册ce4 volume
假如jia3ru2 if as in even if, in case
登记 deng1ji4 register
记录 record ji4lu4
手续 procedure shou3xu4
办理 ban4li3 handle deal with
押金ya1jin1 security deposit
凭ping3 on the basis of, to rely on
印刷yin4shua1 to print, imprint, publish
涨zhang3 rise, increase,go up
收藏shou1cang2 collect store up