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A stack template (a lá HyperCard, SuperCard, etc)

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Below the stack, here's some more text. It's just a part of the page. The cursor over a stack is supposed to be a hand instead of an arrow. Ordinary blue underline links either scroll to the target page, or hide the old one and show the new one. And that works with the browser's back and forward buttons and its URL bar, because the HTML style of anchor links is utilized. [Jump to card 2; this link can be bookmarked]. The left and right arrows on the keyboard or the screen are shortcuts for go previous card and go next.

There are others working on stack-based editors (which is sort of separate, linguistically, from the card-based layout concept that evolved separately.) See http://hypercard.org which is a well-done archive of memorabilia. The name of my little project might have been influenced by the name...or not! But I'm glad to have tried the HyperCard way for a while, and this Template was fun to write.

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