How to think; Introductory International Law

How to think:
Counterfactual reasoning:
-What if it were NOT the case that X were true? Then what?
Goal oriented reasoning
– what circumstances, if true, would lead to that conclusion?
-Where does this fact lead to?

 Is international law binding law? Why or why not?
Who are the enforcers of international law?
What are the consequences of violating international law?
Compare with domestic law: are domestic law´s perfectly observed at all times and places?
Why do people obey law? Do states obey law? Why or why not?

What is a treaty? A convention?

What are the elements of customary international law?

Functionalism: building peace piece by piece. A step by step incrementalist approach to resolving specific problems, sector by sector, so as to attain objective unbiased neutral expertise without regard to national prejudice.
Examples of Functionalism?

What is the rule of law?
Positive definition – what signs are evidence of the presence of the rule of law?
Negative definition – what marks the absence of the rule of law?