What type of busy are you? HSK5 – 第二十六课:你属于哪一种 “忙”?

mang2lu4 busy
被动bei4dong4 passive
nu2li4 slave
xu1wei3 hypocritical
si1xiang3 thought
反省fan3xing3 self reflection, self examination
ju4shuo1 it is said, they say, reportedly
个性ge4xing4 individual character personality
mao4xian3 adventurous (but risky, possibly dangerous)
丛林cong2lin2 jungle, dense forest
文明wen2ming2 civilization, cultured, enlightened
纪录ji4lu4 record, note down
gu4 employ, hire
lai2 come, but also used to indicate “approximately” “about” for numbers so e.g. 20 “around 20”
pi1 group, batch, (several pairs)

chu1se4 remarkably, outstanding
健步jian4bu4ru2fei1 to walk as if with wings
yi4lian2 in a row, in succession
dan1wu4 delay, procrastinate, to spoil through delay. ((hear+lame)+(spoken error ))
zhi4yu2 as for, as to (lit. arrive+at)
touzi invest(ment) fund(ing) (lit. throw-in+valuable!) “to throw one’s hat in the ring” is closest literal translation, but that figure of speech, which comes from sports competitions, extends to non-investment competitions which are however not deadly.
ren2wu4 (public) figure, personnage, personality, celebrity, star
de2zui4 to offend (lit.: obtain+guilt)
zong3suan4 in the final account, in the end, in conclusion, to sum up, at last, finally
gao1 lit. high, fig. effectuate
习俗xi2su2 custom, usage, habitus, praxis
灵魂ling2hun2 soul, spirit.
疲劳pi2lao2 tired, fatigue
zhe2li3 philosophy (lit: bend mouth+structured field). Closest literal: “a turn of phrase”.
ti2chang4 advocate, encourage
步骤bu4zhou4 procedure, step

bi4guan1 to stay in seclusion, like a monk.

yi2lv4 all, without exception lit. one law (for all cases)

ji2mo4 lonely

效率 xiao4lv4 efficiency