厶si1 private, personal; circle, whirl; arm?

厶si1 private, personal; possibly a silkworm? As a pictorial element depicts circles. It is NOT an arrow indicating movement! Exceptionally depicts: a whirling circle e.g. 云 Though shaped like a triangle it does not appear to depict triangles. https://hanziyuan.net/#%E5%8E%B6 厶 sī 

two mouth characters distinguishable in seal characters) (- 厶 in 牟能勾公厸[台]) 

(- bicep in 厷gong1) Thus may be a picture of a human arm and fis.

(- hat in 弁bian4) 

(- stars in 參san1 曑shen1 constellation) 

(- dirt in 厽lei3垒 rampart   弘hong2 liberal. grand)