完美的胜利 = perfect victory.

 suiyua随便 this sui is hand holding meat on a road at the outskirts of town, the foothills nearest the town. It means “whatever”. It’s just the idea of going down the road of life but with adequate sustenance so like, “whatever” even “wherever” because he’s on the way somewhere.
缘分 this yuan means fate, karma. The top right is a symbol for mutual, specifically the mutual relationships between the superior (whether god empire or duty) and the normal people “you and me” is a nice mnemonic for this yuan. On the lower right we see a fat pig, symbol of wealth, prosperity, the family. There’s a silk scroll of virtue, merit on the left. So fate, karma, destiny is the idea of the mutual relationships between superiors and inferiors based on the family which are honorable.

厌倦 yan4juan4 tired of weary of <br />厌恶yan4wu4 detest loathe
倘若tang3ruo4 if, supposing
发觉fa3jue2 find realize
承诺cheng2nuo4 promise
草率cao3shuai2 careless rash
对抗dui4kang4 resist oppose
尝试chang2shi4 try attempt
盲目mang2mu4 blind aimless
乘cheng4 lit. ride on
传奇chuan3qi4 breathe deeply
饶恕rao2shu4 forgive pardon
强迫qiang3po4 force compel
实施shi2shi1 implement
不料bu2liao4 unexpectedly
猛烈meng3lie4 fierce violent
子弹zi3dan4 bullet
蔑视mie4shi4 des[ose
阳光yang3guang1 eye’s light
盯ding1 stare
愤怒fen4nu4 furious indignant
愚蠢yu2chun3 stupid foolish
家伙jiao1huo fellow guy chap
可恶ke3wu4 hateful
耍shua3 play, act
流氓liu2mang2 rogue hoodlum hooligan
遍 bian3 flat

夕阳xi1yang2 setting sun
留神liu2shen2  be careful, look out (v)
打猎da3lie2 hunt, go hunting
不顾bug2gu4 in spite of
挣扎zheng1zha2 to struggle
窜cuan4 flee scurry
拜托bai3tuo1 bid pull=please; break apart.
死亡si3wang2 die
恰巧qia4qiao3 by chance
毫无hao2wu2 not in the least
抵抗di3kang4 resist
部位bu4wei4 part, position
悲惨bei1can3 miserable tragic
未免wei4mian3 rather, a bit too
残忍can2ren3 cruel ruthless
良心liang2xin1 conscience
锋利feng1li4 sharp
缠绕chan2rao4 twist wind twine
耗费hao4fei4 use consume
缺口que3kou3 gap crack breach
举世瞩目ju3shi4 zhu3mu4 to attract worldwide attention