愣leng4 stubborn

神奇shen2qi1 divine mysterious, magical, miraculous
丝瓜si1gua1 gourd
随机sui2ji2 immediately
一株树 zhu1 m/w for trees plants
一粒米 li4 m/w for granular objects
土壤tu3rang3 soil
肥沃fei2wo4 fertile
滋润zi1run4 moisten
照耀zhao4yao4 shine illuminate
惊讶jing1ya4 surprised
愣leng4 stubborn
拔苗助长 ba2miao2-zhu3zhang3 to pull up seedlings to help them grow
疲倦pi2juan4 tired, weary
茎jing1 stem
幢zhuang4 a m/w for buildings
陡峭dou3qiao3 steep precipitous
挺拔ting3ba2  tall and straight, towering
茂盛mao4sheng4 luxuriant, exuberant, flourishing
覆盖fu4gai4 to cover
水泥shui3ni2 cement
朝气蓬勃 zhao1qi4peng2bo2 full of youthful spirity
生机sheng1ji1 life vitality vigor
花瓣hua1ban4 petal
点缀dian3zhui4 embellish
协调xie2tiao2 coordinated
柔和rou2he2 soft
分量fen4liang4 weight
悬挂xuan2gua4 hang, suspend
负担fu4dan1 bear, shoulder
坠zhui1 fall, drop
沉重chen2zhong4 heavy
节制jie2zhi4 control, check
辫子bian4zi braid
臂bi4 arm
呵he1 oh
与日剧增 yu3 ri4 ju4 zeng1 to grow with each passing day
梢 shao1 thin end of a twig
垂直 chui2zhi2 vertical lit. droop-straight i.e. to hang vertically.
吊 diao4 hang, suspend, dangle
晃 huang4 sway, shake
断定 duan4ding4 conclude
连同 lian2tong2 together with, along with
凹凸 ao1tu1 bumpy uneven
修建 xiu1jian4 construct build
不可思议 bu4ke3si1yi4 impossible inconceivable unimaginable.
徘徊 pai2hui2 pace up and down
一如既往 yi4ru2ji4wang3 as usual

 忐忑 Tǎntè all up and down, jittery, anxious memory trick: Tante is German for Aunt. When the kid is nervous and his heart is jumping up and down about the new language he must see his Aunt Tan3te4.