最 最受欢迎的毕业生 the most welcome graduate student (HSK5 Lesson 28) Vocabulary 生词

届 jie4 semester, year, sessions, class
本科 ben3 ke1 undergraduate education 姐姐
面对mian4dui4 confront
乐观le4 guan4 optimistic
就与jiu4 ye4 find employment
shi2 hua4 truth true words
you1 shi4 superiority advantage
简历jian3li4 CV
现场xian4 chang3 site spot
职位 zhi2 wei4 post
体验 ti3yan4 to experience and feel
从此 cong2ci3 since then
范围 fan4wei2 scope range
初中 初级中学 chu1(ji2)zhong1(xue2) Junior high school
顾问consultant adviser gu4 wen4
参考can1kao3 consult refer to
成长 cheng2 zhang3 to grow up
制作 zhi4zuo4 produce make
才艺cai2yi4 talent and skill
假设 jia3she4 suppose
乘cheng2 ride travel by
反映 fan3ying2 reflect back
到达 dao4da2 reach arrive
老板 lao3 ban4 boss
陆续 lu4 xu4 one after another in succession
提问ti2wen4 ask a question
堆 dui1 pile heap stack
情侣qing2lv3 couple lovers
制定 zhi4ding4 make draw up work something out
休闲xiu1xian2 relax
具体 ju4ti3 specific detailed
专注zhuan1zhu2 concentrated on devoted to
显然 xian3ran2 evident obvious
成立cheng2li4 establish set up
部门bu4men2 department Abteilung
执着zhi2zhuo4 persistent persevering
guang1ming2 bright promising
前途qian2tu2 future prospect
行业 hang2ye4 industry trade professions
缺乏que1fa2 fall short of be deficient in defect