标准教程 HSK6 – 第三课:一盒月饼 | Standard Course HSK6

月饼yue4bing moon cake
清晨qing1chen2 early (lit. clear) morning
迎面ying2mian4 head on, face to face
模样mu2yang4 model+type=appearance, look
打两da3liang strike+couple=size up
番fan1 mw. times fanbo repeatedly
搓cuo1 to rub one’s hands
迟疑chi2yi2 hesitant     
拜托bai4tuo bitte i.e. please as in please oh please (lit hands together in prayer + pull, drag)
饱经沧桑 bao3jing1 cang1sang1 to have witnessed many changes
流露 liu2lu4 lit flowing path i.e. to unintentionally show one’s feelings or thoughts
朴实 pu3shi2 honest sincere
过于 guo4yu2 experienced+at=exceedingly
操劳 cao1lao2 produce+workplace stall= work hard
胡须 hu2xu1 moustache, beard
起码 qi3ma3 at least, minimum
口音 kou3yin1 accent
乡镇 xiang1zhen4 small town
原先 yuan2xian1 former original lit. source+first=original<br />裁缝 cai2feng tailor lit cut cloth sharp
港口 gang3kou3 harbor (lit. harbor mouth)

斯文 si1wen gentle refined lit. finely split+culture
心眼儿 xin1yan3er heart+eye+child=heart’s set on it = intention
信誉 xin4yu4 credit reputation lit belief + wordy torch
欺骗 qi1pian4 cheat deceive
学位 xue2wei4 academic degree lit. study+post
一流 yi1liu2 first class lit.
主观 zhu3guan3 person in charge, manager lit. main+observe(r)
助手 zhu4shou3 lit aid+hand = aide assistant
骨干 gu3gan4 backbone

小心翼翼xiao3xin1yi4yi4 carefully gingerly
喜悦xi3yue4 delightful joyous
拨bo1 dial
仍旧reng2jiu4 still as ever

隐约yin3yue1 indistinct
浑身hun2shen1 hunshen from head to toe, all body , all over the body
馅儿-xian4er stuffing filling

灿烂can4lan4 resplendent
惦记dian4ji4 to think about repeatedly to ponder on
丢人diu1ren2 to be disgraced, to lose face lit. dropped person i.e.  loser.
炫耀xuan4yao4 flaunt show off
面子mian4zi face reputation
辜负gu1fu4 let down disappoint
期望qi1wang4 hope expect