棒球= 王求一丶水木丰廾丰 qiu ming

Qiu 求 to bid for help is a hard and important one so I took my time. Let’s start with BANG instead 棒 bang means stick club cudgel. Let’s break it down!

丰 is our friend feng1 丰 Feng1 is the image of a FErtile floweriNG plant as symbol of that which is fertile productive and keen.
We see FENG1 reduplicated in 奉, first below abbreviated as 1 丨 choice of two sticks 二
On top of abbreviated feng1 and in the middle of bang are two hands clasped together 廾 raising up a second image of the fertile plant 丰 which is twisted left a bit and on top. This feng 奉 is the idea of OFFERING from one’s own Abundance.

棒 stick club cudgel BANG looks like a simple phono-semantic character. Wood radical on the left, “sounds like” on the right.

What’s MADE OF WOOD and
BANG! a Wooden Stick!

Qiu 求 to beg for help is a hard and very important wprd. qiuming means to beg for one’s l球命的球 is hard But SPHERE, GLOBE, BALL 球 is a fun and easy one! So let’s analyze globe to get to beg.

This 球 qiu  means Sphere Globe Ball. On the left we have the KING 王 One theory is 王 is a royal ax, another is the crown but personally I think it’s the imperial jade seal. Wang 王 if a picture of a tablet of jade says something like “empowered by the King”. Wang goes to royal things, precious metals and gems, it indicate solid structured and precious things.
So, 球 is the King on the left on on the right is ONE 一 DROP 丶 of WATER 水. 求, ONE DROP of WATER, means to beg for。 Why? Because ancient China sometimes had droughts! You would BEG for ONE DROP OF WATER 求 begging for your life。But when you put One Drop Water next to the King? 王+求=SPHERE GLOBE BALL We beg for our lives before the god, before the king, before the emperor. The oceans on the globe are but a drop of water to the emperor – the GLOBE 球 is the EMPERORS 王 TOY 玩。

Tone  colorization may follow.