
干脆 gancui straight forward blunt direct
唠叨 laodao prattle chatter nag
劳动力 laodongli labor power
紧缩 jinsuo tighten
成本 chengben costs (lit. achiev+fundamental)
冲击 chongji (rush,flush)+(press)=to attack

时隔 shige time gap

不仅 bujin not only … but also

耽误 danwu delay waste time interfere with


思路不清 train of thought + is unclear

逻辑 luoji logic (path+net)+(chariot+mouth+ear)

feihua 废话 (dispatch+broad cliff=abandon)+words,speech=nonsense

密切miqie intimate close familiar

尽量 jinliang exhausted+measure=to the greatest extent possible

逐步 zhu2bu4 progressively, step by step

鼓励guli drum up + encourage = to encourage
鼓舞guwu drum up + lit. dance = boost (morale), heartening (news), raise spirits

聚ju4 to gather together top part phonetic choose取qu bottom part isn’t ice 冫 water 水 or clothing衣, it is a crowd 众
Compare 集ji 类lei

文化差异 wenhua chayi cultural differences

满腹经纶 man fu jing lun full+materially reduplicated+classical+theory=full of intelligence

夸奖 kuajiang to amply praise; simplified dropped the yanzi pang in traditional kua includes 言
谈笑风生 talkative: once you get him to talk about jokes he gives birth to a windstorm. it’s positive, he is witty and cheerful NOT long winded.

门当户对  men dang hu dui to be equally matched in social class to ones marital partner

冒犯 maofan offend

历史 history ; past records
离世 cut oneself off from the world ; keep aloof from worldly affairs ; 〈婉〉depart this life ; pass away
理事 member of a council ; director
力士 man of great strength ; strong man ; warrior ; guardian
立时 immediately ; at once ; right away
立式 vertical ; upright

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