立刻强 Li Ke Qiang faction appears again

待会 zhao1 dai4 hui4
招 zhao to recruit
待 dai await, intend, to deal with, entertain
会 hui meeting
招待 zhaodai a festive reception, to receive guests.

shaking gesticulating hand手 on the left, mouth口 beneath a sword 刀 on the right RECRUITONG招 

 待=hand grasping寸 earth土 on the path彳 on the right

We can remember it as:
fellow travelers on the basis of materialism can support [the right character] +
recruitment for party building [on the left]

招待会 zhaodaihui press conference.
However, 会 in Chinese can also be used as an indirect reference to political meetings, factions, parties.

Conclusion: Li Keqiang’s faction is clearly not yet entirely frozen out of power by Xi Jinping. He is still engaged in recruitment for party building and even holding pressers. 

However, I do not think the USA will be able to accurately gauge let alone influence the factional conflicts within China. This doesn’t mean the USA can’t benefit from the various leaks and defections which will result from Xi’s consolidation and centralization of power or from his assertive (aggressive) foreign policies. Xi’s reelection is however clearly not 100% guarantied. I expect the other factions will not however be able to rid themselves of Xi or restore the politburo model of stable governance by consensus. The only  faction with any ideological justifications is Xi’s and so he will win by default, in the end. How arduous that will be is an open question.