
Flash Blitz. It’s the idea of a person opening a door then closing it (whether entering or exiting being included or excluded) and that lets in a FLASH OF LIGHT

陈旧memory trick: as old as the Hills. Hill and Chen are both personal names but also mean, respectively, a hill and: 陈chen means = to lay out and display, to show. However this chen character has 阝fu on the left which mean the hills just outside the city. The sun goes up and down ever and ever in a straight line for a LONG TIME 旧 jiu3
CAVEAT hen jiu yi qian2 a long time ago 很久以前 is a different jiu and is Qian not chen.

The pi疋 kangxi radical almost always means in fact zheng 正 
Pi was a simplification, but it’s also a misclassification. this pi means a pair, e.g. a pair of horses but as a character component it’s almost never used like that. It’s  the cursive form of 正 (and or 足) when used as a character component

wo3我 = hand+spear=i. the spear there is phonetic ge sounds like ego sounds like wo3. ​我= 扌+戈

​钱 also contains Spear戈 on the right and metal钅 radical on the left: qian钱money = metal + spear

找 hand plus spear but not joined means to search zhao


妈妈 your mom is strong as a horse

爸爸 ​your dad has a pair of axes

对 simplified: it’s two hands shaking hands in agreement coz it’s RIGHT
traditional it’s a hand and a candle (light =truth) dui4


It’s a hand holding a sheaf of grain as one does when paying a visit and now means TO SHOW RESPECT, TO BOW, OBEISANCE

hua is a pictogram it’s a picture of a painting in a frame. it shows how hanzi sometimes reuse kanxi radicals to depict different things. It’s a painting of a field and should be one of the first hanzi people learn! :D 

The following characters are all similar looking and even similar meanings but sound differently and do not look the same so carefully distinguish them.
ji4 season 禾he2 grain

li3 plum  木mu wood

lei4 variety, type. the lower character is 大 but in some fonts is represented with 犬

ji2 collection, gathering

xing apricot
落汤鸡 luo4tang1ji1 a drenched rat literally soaked through like a chicken in the soup

铁公鸡 stingy lit. iron chicken tiegongji

一毛不拔 stingy can’t even pluck a feather (from him) yi1mao2bu4ba2

小鸡赌场 xiao3ji1du3chang3 narrow minded lit small chicken’s guts
顾及 gu4ji2 take into consideration

干脆 gan1cui4 straight forward clear cut blunt direct

fen1wei2 分为 subdivide

风气 feng1qi2 atmosphere,  used literally or metaphorically. 一股风气 gu3 is the measure word for atmosphere.

feng1qing2 风情 
风味 feng1wei4 distinctive style
资源zīyuán resources value(=this+good)+source=RESOURCES
syn 饲料 siliao
湿濕 humid shi1

背面 bei4mian4 “back, in back of”.
Windbreaker: an outer jacket which stops wind, usually made of plastic or nylon, often rain-proof. 一种外套 
To break wind: 放屁  

zhang1 roe, a female deer.

si to rip

Zhèn array wave attack formation

舍不得she3bu4de2 unwilling; specifically unwilling to quit, to use up, to waste; begrudge

Looks like what it is namely a pictogram of
n. house, shed, residence, hut
as a verb:
abandon, give up, give alms

损失 / 失去 
they are both verbs with similar meanings of possession followed by lose, but with shiqu the thing was completely lost, never fully obtained. In contrast sunshi implies the reduction of something truly obtained, 减少 

These two are EASILY confused. One is a plant as a symbol for “to come” it has two grains of rice (simplified) and/or two people (traditional). The other is a rich person 夫人 CLASPING夹 two kids under his arms.

jiā clasp

lái come

来lai2 can be used to indicate a number 千 百 等 概数gaishu,大概dagai
以来 first (of al) 以来为了 yilaiweil in the first place, because
can make ordered lists therby 以来,二来 ...

邹zou1 刍 chu 邑 yi

Cheng Yu

坐井观天 zou4jing3guan1tian1 sitting in a well staring at the sky i.e. of limited horizon, narrow minded

五福临门 wu3fu2lin2men2 may the five blessings reach your door

万事如意   wan4shi4ru2yi4 a thousand matters as easy as a thought

至于Zhìyú to have attained a certain degree 大道某种程度

总算 zong3suan4 all in all, in sum in the final analysis