各 格 客 路 骆 烙 络 落 酪
Gè gé kè lù luò luò lào luò luò lào
each Grid guest road Camel Burned Network fall cheese

落下帷幕 lou2xi4 wei2mu4 drop+down=fall + screen
curtain falls i.e. concludes ends finishes
减排 jian3 pai2 reduce + emit = emissions reduction

承诺cheng2nuo4 contain+promise= promise
目标mu2biao1 target
审视shen3shi2  check

面临 mian4lin2 face+regard = confronted, faced up to
法案fa3an4 bill i.e. proposal for law
即将 jijiang future tense indicator = is about to  lit approach strengthen lift
众议院zhong4yi4yuan4 house of representatives
表决 biao3jue2 express+decide

抽象chou1xiang4 abstract
古典gu3dian3 classical
欣赏 xin1shang3 admire
布 bu4 cloth
规则gui1ze2 rule
派 pai4  faction
作品 zuo2pin3 work of literature
洒 sa3 sprinkle
及其 ji2qi2 extremely
神秘 shen2mi4 mysterious
 丑陋 chou3lou4 ugly
自由 zi2you4 freedom
设计 she4ji4 design
组zu3  team group
副 fu2 measure word for paintings
出自chu1zi4 comes from stems from
业余ye2yu4 amateur
婴儿ying1er2 baby child
猩猩 xing1xing ape
涂鸦tu2ya1 scrawl
签 qian1 signature
其余qi2yu2 the rest, others
身份 shen1fen4 identity
确认que4ren4 confirm affirm
随手 sui2shou3 randomly, without extra trouble
分辨fen1bian4 distinguish
挥 hui1 weild wave brandish
可见ke3jian4 [it]can be seen[that]
哪怕na3pa4 even if
元素yuan2su4 element
调整tiao2zheng3 adjust revise
位置wei4zhi4 position location
含义han2yi4 implication
区域qu1yu4 region district
活跃huo2yue4 active dynamic to activate
布局bu4ju2 composition [of a work of art, writing]
事实shi4shi2 fact
目前mu4qian2 now, present lit. eyes+in front of
证据zheng4ju4 evidence