DE-CRYPT. 我从没忘记前世 I Never forgot my past life.

从没忘记前世 I Never forgot my past life.

Wǒ cóng méi wàngjì qiánshì

hand+halberd=I. I am capable of defending myself.
2 people 人 as a symbol for FOLLOWING
water + hand on the lower right, stick on top. NEVER Drown or DISAPPEAR!
sarcophagus亡 on top of a heart心. It means FORGET
words言+rope to tie knots in TO RECORD & REMEMBER.
It’s the image of a boat as the idea of FORWARD AHEAD FIRST. Oars on the right, boat on the left. lines of rope or prow and crew on top. Even though it means forward here it means “prior” 前世 prior life.
世  the world. It is three tens i.e. 30 as in thirty generations. It’s an abbreviation for 世界 which means the bounded world i.e. the human world, a habitable bounded space. To indicate planet earth specifically use 地球.
