Grammar Points: Sentence Structure in Chinese

伙伴关系 huoban guanxi partnership lit. team mate relationsship(=closed+connected) 区域 quyu region, district, area 协定 xieding agreement 将于jiangyu ...shengxiao生效 will take effect on Unfortunately Chinese sentences are not Merely SVO. Chinese is a TOPIC centered highly contextual language. At best we can identify these rules STPMVO Subject Time Place Manner Verb Objects Please note that the subject in Chinese does NOT have to appear in the first position. In fact, the TOPIC must appear in the first position. Note also that in Chinese we always alway organize from LARGEST AND MOST INCLUSIVE downward sequentially toward that which is Smaller And Less Inclusives to conclude with what is (smallest and least inclusive) so e.g. Continent/Country/City/Street/Address; Century, Year, Month, Day. The DIRECT object PRECEDES the indirect Object I threw the ball to him. 我把球扔给他 我把书放在桌子上 I put the books onto the desk. If we, foreigners, organize our sentences as STPMVO the Chinese people WILL understand us but sometimes the first position changes to emphasize a particular element in the sentence, most often time. chuchai 出差 to go on a business trip komandirovke hexingde 和性的 suitable 污染空气wu1ran3kong1qi4 air pollution 扔掉rengdiao throw away 以yi3 by means of via Always review yesterdays work at the start of today: because that greatly improves retention of knowledge learned.