Hsk 5, lesson 36, part 2. The Venerable She raises roses


爱心 Àixīn Love affection compassion
分享 fēnxiǎng share, enjoy with others
独享 dú xiǎng Exclusive, enjoy alone
昙花 tánhuā A kind of a flower which blooms like “dark clouds at dawn” 昙
庆祝 qìngzhù celebrate (big festival under the broad roof of a country manor + one’s bretheren wishing each other good fortune)
保留 bǎoliú Reserve (guard+remain,stay)
菊花 júhuā chrysanthemum
Smash, pound: it is a rock tumbler, rock on the left basin for tumbling and polishing or washing cloth and such on the right)
悲伤 bēishāng sorrow, grief, literally sad+injury
反正 fǎnzhèng Anyway, in any case, but also: to desert from the opposing side and switch alliegiances.
热爱 rè’ài To love ardently, passionately, to adore