HSK 6, Lesson 29 笑备忘录

备忘录 bei4wang4lu4 memorandum [literal translations in brackets like this]
岂有此理  qi3you3ci3li3 how unreasonable [idiom]
庸俗 yong1su2 vulgar [lit. ‘common custom’]
档次 dang4ci4 level [lit. structured as+sequence]
诸位 zhu1wei4 everyone [various+honored person, position]
难堪 nan2kan1 embarassed [hard endure]
虚伪 xu1wei1 hypocritical [empty fake]
违背 weibei violate go against [disobey burden]
回避 huibi evade avoid [return evade] this bi is a literally person who evades or escapes capital or corporeal punishment]
岔 cha4 [huati] change the topic split分+mountain山=diverge, part ways
装聋装哑 zhuang1long2 zhuang1ya3 pretend to be deaf and dumb
聋哑 long2ya3 deaf and dumb
画蛇添足 hua4 she2 tian1 zu2 to overdo it
机灵 ji1ling clever smart [machine+soul, soul of a new machine]
周密zhou1mi4 careful thorough
途径 tu2jing4 way, approach [road+path]<br />虚假 xu1jia3 false deceptive [empty+fake]
特定 te4ding4 specific [special+determined]
缘故 yuan2gu4 reason cause [cause+intention]
意向 yi4xiang4 intention purpose [idea toward]
诚挚 cheng2zhi4 sincere
一丝不苟 yi4 si1 bu2 gou3 scrupulous about every detail
蜻蜓 qing1ting1 to listen attentively to every detail [much like a dragonfly 蜻蜓]
视频 shi4pin2 video
一目了然 yi2mu4liao3ran2
预先 yu4xian1 in  advance beforehand
直觉 zhi2jue2 intuition
探测 tan4ce4 detect
智商 zhi4shang1 intelligence
提炼 ti2lan4 refine extract
相声 xiang4sheng crosstalk
座右铭 zuo4you4ming2 motto
通用 tong1yong4  to be in commoun use, to be universal
调节tiao2jie2 regulate
循环xun2huan2 circulate
收缩 shou1suo1 shrink
氧气yang3qi4 oxygen
奖jiang3 paddle oar
试验shi4yan4 test
脂肪zhi1 fang2 fat
动脉 dong4mai4 artery
实质  shi2zhi4 essence, substance
肆无忌惮 si4wu2ji4dan4 act recklessly without care for others, outrageously
损坏 sun3 huai4 to damage, to injure mangle shatter spoil
倾向 qing1xiang4 tend to inclined to
分寸 fen1cun proper limits for speech or action
恰到好处 qia4dao4 hao3 chu4 just perfect, to the point
是非 shi4fei1 right and wrong
探讨 tan4tao3 discuss
收益 shou1yi4 profit
起哄 qi3hong4 make a fuss
斟酌 zhen1zhuo2 consider think over
恰当qia4dang4 appropriate proper