New Space Race: Vocabulary

Whether Washington knows or not it is in a new space race with China to be the first to land a man on Mars. Here’s some space related vocabulary from a recent Chinese report on it’s new space station. 

神舟 Shenzhou lit. divine vessel Shénzhōu
对接 Docking duìjiē
航天员 Astronaut hángtiān yuán
飞船 spaceship fēichuán
空间站 space station kōngjiānzhàn
天河 Tianhe tiānhé
心舱 Heart Chamber xīn cāng
建设 Construction jiànshè
迎来 Usher in yíng lái
等待 wait děngdài
发射 launch, fire fāshè
首次 first shǒucì
交汇 Converge jiāohuì
rail guǐ
驻留 Reside zhù liú
开展 Develop kāizhǎn
机械臂 Robotic arm jīxiè bì
操作 operating cāozuò
搭载 Carry dāzài
运载 Carry yùnzài
火箭 rocket huǒjiàn
卫星 satellite wèixīng
分离 Separate fēnlí
报告 report bàogào
仪表 display yíbiǎo
完毕 complete wánbì