In the slavic languages “osa” means a stinging insect thus e.g. a wasp.

保守秘密 lit to guard and preserve a secret bao3shou3mi4mi4
特别嘴严的人 tight lipped te4bie2 zui3yan2deren2

泄露秘密 leaked, leaker xie4lou4mi4mi4
信任 trust, have confidence in xin4ren4
藏 hide conceal cang2
零 0 ling2
假装 lit. fake+costume = feign, pretend jia3zhung1

少林 shaolin lit. few+grove; a martial arts school the shao here is an abbreviation for 少室山

少室山林 lit. small+room+mountan+grove; the shao lin training camp

德 virtue, but also an abbreviation for 德国 de guo German Kingdom
Footpath on the left, master above the all-seeing eye or net on top with 1 heart. The idea seems to be that the 1 path of the heart under the watchful eye of providence can travel all paths.