sheng bi zi

simplified on the right otherwise both simplified and traditional are the same.

 Cū 麤 粗 coarse, rough

Shān 羴 flock of sheep herd of goats

Pān 攀 climb

Gāngà 尴尬 awkward

Nàng 齉 stuffed up nose stuffy nose

Yù 籲 吁 implore note that simplified is only one character for what was 2 or more

Quán 颧 cheek-bones

Tāotiè 饕餮 voracious

Pá 掱 steal

Qílín 麒麟 chinese unicorn (dragon deer it’s the face of a dragon but the body of a deer, yet with the scales of a dragon)

Chīmèiwǎngliǎng 魑魅魍魉 demons and monsters