
Antitrust (Sherman Act, OECD model treaty)(competition law)Taxation (taxation of multinational corporate groups; problems of double taxation; OECD tax convention=
Anti-corruption law (FCPA, OECD anti-bribery law)
Administrative Law
Mergers and acquisitions
Securities regulations

Dictionaries and other resources:

Introductions: name, semester, objectives,
Who has already taken a course on contract law?
Grades: this course will be much easier than last semester’s. The
exam style will be like last semester = vocabulary and an essay
We start at 6 pm sharp.
This course will teach basic concepts and vocabulary. Introductions:
name, semester, objectives,Grades: this course will be much easier than last semester’s. The
exam style will be like last semester = vocabulary and an essay

Torts Elements

Duty: Geschutztes Rechtsgut / Rechtsinteresse
[Rechtsgut: Begriffsjurisprudenz (conceptual jurisprudence versus
Rechtsinteresse Interessenjurisprudenz (interest analysis)]
duty exists either on the basis of a special relationship =
husband/wife, parent/child, coworkers, employer/employee or via
contract, whether oral or in writing.
or where it is “forseeable” i.e. where the cost to prevent the
negligent tort is less than the cost to cure the negligent tort.
or where a duty is imposed by statute law.
but the general rule is: no duty.

Breach = Pflichtverletzung

Cause in fact = ‘But for’ Causality = Causa Sine Qua Non =
Haftungsbegrundende Kausalitaet

Proximate Cause = Legal Cause  = Haftungsausfullende

Damages = Schaden
de minimis damages go uncompensated.
compensation is aimed at restitution.

Defences = Anfechtungsgruende, Verteidigungsgruende

Contributory Negligence / Comparative Fault
historical rule: contributory negligence is a complete bar to the
tort; there is no liability of the tortfeasor to the victim
(historically) where the victim was also at fault.
the contemporary rule is comparative fault. in comparative fault we
reduce the damages of the victim by the degree to which they were at
fault for the accident.

Lack of Capacity
children, the insane, and the demented are not liable in tort but
their guardian will be liable for the act of their ward.

Joint and several liability
joint tortfeasors are each entirely liable for all the damage.
the joint-tortfeasor may make a claim against the other tortfeasor
for an offset proportional to their actual fault.

class action = Sammelklage
where there are common questions of law and fact with respect to
several plaintiffs, they may join their cases together and sue as
one group, even affecting the rights and duties of similarly
situated victims who are not in fact suing.

the objective of tort law is to restore the status quo ante

Damages — pure economic losses? Rein Vermoegensschaden
electric company: i have a contract they are to supply power. there
is a storm. my building is destroyed. so is their power generation.
may i recover for my lost clientele?

punitive damages – strafschadensersatz — are allowed in common law.
are not allowed in german law.
are discretionary; the judge may award them but is not required to.
must not be unreasonable; must be proportional to the actual damages
are awarded according to a civil standard of proof not criminal —
this is why german courts will not enforce u.s. punitive damage
are punitive, not compensatory.

prejudgement interest? yes. the victim may be awarded the reasonable
interest which would have accrued to their injured property.
discounted present value of money

court costs?
litigation fees? attorneys costs?
these are awarded only in the case where the tortfeasor acted
maliciously: with willful wanton disregard, or callous indifference;
recklessly; grossly negligent. not ordinary negligence

torts may be
intentional punitive damages and court costs
reckless — usually will result in punitive damages and court costs.
negligent no punitive damages or court costs

Punitive Damages = Strafschadensersatz

Game: 1) Pair off. 2) Find an English legal term which you are not
sure of and ask your neighbor what it means = in English. Do you
know the German equivalent term?
We can learn any vocabulary you like. if there are terms you want
included in this course email them to me

Injunction = court order to refrain from doing a thing.

Unterlassung / Unterlassungsanspruch
Einstweilige Verfuegung
Gerichtliche Verfuegung

estoppel klagehemmung
standard of proof –  *
burden of proof – beweisfuehrungslast
prima facie proof – anscheinsbeweis

rebuttal – widerlegung
proxy – stimmrechtsvertretung

jurisdiction to adjudicate
jurisdiction to prescribe
jurisdiction to enforce

contingent fee (legal in u.s.)- Erfolgshonorar – (illegal in

to impeach a witness means to call into question their veracity.

due process – prozessuale gerechtigkeit; droits de la defense

Business Judgement Rule unternehmerisches Ermessen


antitrust reading 1

Antitrust Reading 2

Antitrust reading 3

Tax Law Materials

Case Briefs

U.S. Tax cases and legislation.

Tax Law Flashcards

Flashcards: 1
Flashcards: 2Flashcards: 3Flashcards: 4

Mergers & Acquisitions:
Readings Lecture 1

Chart for Lecture 1

Optional Lecture 1

Lecture 2

Lecture 3

Lecture 4

Lecture 5


U.S. Federal Company Law Legislation

Consolidation A
contractual and statutory process in which two or more corporations
join to become a completely new corporation. The original corporations
cease to exist, and the new corporation acquires all their assets and
Dissolution The
formal disbanding of a partnership or a corporation. It can take place
by (1) acts of the partners or, in a corporation, of the shareholders
and board of directors; (2) the death of a partner; (3) the expiration
of a time period stated in a partnership agreement or a certificate of
incorporation; or (4) judicial decree.
Liquidation (1)
In regard to bankruptcy, the sale of all of the nonexempt assets of a
debtor and the distribution of the proceeds to the debtor’s creditors.
Chapter 7 of the Bankruptcy Code provides for liquidation bankruptcy
proceedings. (2) In regard to corporations, the process by which
corporate assets are converted into cash and distributed among creditors
and shareholders according to specific rules of preference.
Merger A
contractual and statutory process in which one corporation (the
surviving corporation) acquires all of the assets and liabilities of
another corporation (the merged corporation). The shareholders of the
merged corporation receive either payment for their shares or shares in
the surviving corporation.
Parent-subsidiary merger A
merger of companies in which one company (the parent corporation) owns
most of the stock of the other (the subsidiary corporation). A
parent-subsidiary merger (short-form merger) can use a simplified
procedure when the parent corporation owns at least 90 percent of the
outstanding shares of each class of stock of the subsidiary corporation.
Short-form merger A
merger between a subsidiary corporation and a parent corporation that
owns at least 90 percent of the outstanding shares of each class of
stock issued by the subsidiary corporation. Short-form mergers can be
accomplished without the approval of the shareholders of either
Surviving corporation The
remaining, or continuing, corporation following a merger. The
surviving corporation is vested with the merged corporation’s legal
rights and obligations.
Takeover The
acquisition of control over a corporation through the purchase of a
substantial number of the voting shares of the corporation.
Target corporation The corporation to be acquired in a corporate takeover; a corporation to whose shareholders a tender offer is submitted.
Tender offer An offer to
purchase made by one company directly to the shareholders of another (target) company; often referred to as a “takeover bid.”

Appraisal right The
right of a dissenting shareholder, if he or she objects to an
extraordinary transaction of the corporation (such as a merger or
consolidation), to have his or her shares appraised and to be paid the
fair value of his or her shares by the corporation.