The Proud骄 ArrOgance傲 of those who hold State Power支(=hand又+hammer)

TALLCULTURED MAN standing by his HORSE 骄jiao

天tian1 qi齐 wen文 儿er ma马

骄 is an easy character. It’s the image of an arrogant proud knight on the right beside his steed on the left 马 horse 齐 qi on the right is also a phonetic qlue.
this ao though 傲ao4 person on the left 亻 hand holding a hammer on the right 啊zhi支 flagman or slave in stocks on the bottom middle fang and I Guess a burning candleabra主zhu3 or is it instead a flourishing plant丰feng in the top middle. 
Ok, let’s look this one up here goes
Oh, joy, the middle top element is originally 出chu , probably depicting wild flowing hair of some strange distant tribe, 敖 is the idea then of travel to a distant place. Probably the tribe, whichever one, had the reputation for being arrogant and/or horsemen. This 敖ao is also a phonetic clue.
Mnemonic: this person’s 亻an arrogant owner 敖 holding a hammer支.
The arrogant owner is standing tall齐 by his high horse马. 骄jiao