The six methods of Chinese character creation are mutually reinforcing and not exclusive or exhaustive.

The six methods of character creation are mutually reinforcing not exclusive and are in modernity not the only ways to classify or form Chinese characters. For examples: ideophonetic characters combine a phonetic component with a symbol, whereas picto-semantic characters combine an image and an symbol. These might respectively be seen as variants of picto-phonetic and ideographic characters.  Here’s a translation of a Chinese language texts on character creation:

用某个字做读音符号组成的新字叫做意音字 using some character’s phonetic component to form a new character is called making an ideophonetic character. (sound component + idea component)

用字形的字意组成新字的叫做形意字 Characters using the pictographic and semantic component of one character to create a new character are called picto-semantic characters.

Surprisingly, baidu as well as google got this one a bit wrong. Unsurprisingly, baidu was better than google at machine translating this somewhat complex and obscure text.