Tones Matter 于 预

yu4 a-head get it? it means in advance, beforehand, ahead and has 页 as a component.

yu2 at. Characters in this one are
一二丁 so  I guess its an ideogram since there is no phonetic clue. Probably originally an altar 示 with the legs omitted to emphasis the central point of the altar for the idea of “at on in”. You might wish to think of it as a symbol for a crossed point between two lines, e.g. as a symbol for AT.
Get the tones wrong on these two and no one will understand you when you speak.

凡事预则立 不预则废
Fánshì yù zé lì bù yù zé fèi
Fig.: Forewarned is forearmed
Lit. Ordinary+Affairs+Ahead+And (in contrast)+Stand+Not+Ahead+And (in contrast) + abolish,abandon,discard,dispose,abandoned,waste it’s a picture of ashes灰 beneath a broad广 cliff厂.
In other words: If you prepare things in advance things go well (=stand up). If you don’t prepare in advance then things go wrong.

行动Xíngdòng Action

义务yìwù lit. Righteous+Activity=DUTY

发言fāyán Statement

发表fābiǎo Published

势在必shì zài bì xíng to be imperative (under such a circumstance)

实行shíxíng To Implement

扫描sǎomiáo scan, swipe

侵犯qin1fan4  Violate lit. invade+violate

数据shùjù Data