
hong轰隆long2 thunderous

轰rumbling sound as a mass of chariots or thunder+ 

隆long2thundering feet descending from a mountain sounding like a drumbeat grand and prosperous.

nao2挠痒yang nao2=scratch yang3=itch

败bai beatan and broken inside broken clam hand hammer

打仗 da4zhang4 = strike+weaponry =fight, war against

功夫 gong1 fu virtue+gentleman fu1 (also kung fu but a much broader sense than in English, not merely a martial art but more importantly the various virtues thereto, both moral and physical).

小偷 xiao3tou1 thief he’s breaking into a boat to steal from it.

摸一摸 moyimo1 to rub massage

绳子 shengzi rope

cangku 仓库 granary storage facility (orig. grain now most any valuable)

车库 che1ku4 garage

yin3cang 隐藏 secret+ conZeal2/Ctorehouse4

清闲 qing1xian2 leisurely rest

忍 bear  endure ren3

耐 nai4 capable of enduring

忍耐 to show restraint ren3nai4

蔽 cover shield screen bi4

跨国kua4guo2 cross + kingdom = international, cross-border

硬币ying4bi cash hard currency

dao 捣3乱4 daoluan disturb

欺骗 qi1pian4 cheat deceive