Winding Around Rao Nao 尧

This is yao, it means to wind twist and turn and sounds like rao. It’s the image of a Narrow clay pot on top being turned on a potter’s wheel as a symbol of that meaning on the right. The left part tells you which particular rao is.
rào winding like rope: around, as in rope wrapped around
ráo something to do with twisted food: rich
ráo a woman winding things around: graceful, enchanting 

ráo grasses which wind around: fuel, grass, Chinese Medicine
Náo winding worm = parasitic intestinal worm 
náo winding round metal CYMBALS

  a hand, turning a potters wheel: verb, wind. To itch, as in scratch an itch; to hinder. This one is “náo” because of pronunication drift.Used alone 尧 sounds like Yáo is the name of one of the legendery 5 flame emperors.Yáo ráo ráo  

 jiāo winding water is being POURED