
 走红 zou hong to turn red i.e. become resplendent, glorious, popular, NOT embarrassed unlike English, in Chinese to turn red means to become glorious!


The following are all compound characters (合体字) using the same character.(同字) The are all associative-idea characters (会意字). Match the character with the pronunciation (left to right, top to bottom).
夕 多
口 吕 品
日 昌 晶
火 炎 焱
木 林 森
习 羽 
人 从 众
月 朋 
土 圭
克 兢 
金 鑫
水 淼
石 磊
马 骉
犬 猋
又 双 
Xī duō kǒu lǚ pǐn rì chāng jīng huǒyán yàn mùlínsēn xí yǔ rén cóngzhòng yuè péng tǔ guī kè jīng jīnxīn shuǐ miǎo shílěi mǎ biāo quǎn biāo yòu shuāng


反抗 fan3kang4 to resist
劳工维权 laogong wei quan workers’ rights’ protections<br />鸭嘴兽 lit. duck mouth beast = platypus
干脆 trunk+dried out as from a drought and thus brittle and crisp = BLUNT, DIRECT, STRAIGHT FORWARD

寸亡 these characters are opposites
the left one means the pulsepoint of one’s wrist, but also to pinch it is a hand. the right one is a coffin. coffin has a lid 亠 on top. Sometimes Chinese characters are stylized/simplified to near inversions, near mirror images. They are never symmetric since the song script, in prior scripts they often were symmetric. apparently the song scribes felt asymmetric characters would be easier to remember, so quit looking for or expectint perfect symmetry it is NEVER to be found instead look for and recall NEAR symmetries like 屰 and 大 for another example (reverse, upside down, backwards  屰; big 大)

手无缚鸡之力 Shǒu wú fù jī zhī lì lit. hand without bind chicken of power  = powerless. not even so strong as a chicken.

鸡蛋里挑骨头Jīdàn li tiāo gú tóu lit chicken egg withint pull out bone head i.e. to pick bones from a chicken egg in other words: nitpick, find fault.

宏伟hong2wei3 grand imposing magnificent. Lit. grand+great i.e. big (like a public building) + big (like a guard).
壮观 zhuang4gong1 spectacular lit. strong regard.
宏伟壮观  is a chengyu

偏僻 pian1pi4 slanted+rustic= deserted, remote, desolate far from the city

鸟不拉屎 niao3 bu4 la1 shi3
Even the birds don’t shit there. I.e. it’s totally deserted