门部首的所有汉字 “All” characters with the gate radical

In principle we could form a new character from ANY of the hanzi plus gate. There are in theory an infinite number of Chinese characters. Example? Insect 虫 + gate 门 = the aperture to a hive (which would likely sound like g/h/k o/a n/ng

At least 52 gate characters are recorded in common dictionaries. 

mén, gate shuān, bolt
shǎn, flash
yán, a name
hàn, villagegate
bì, block
wèn, ask
chuǎng, rush
rùn, leap day
wéi, woman’s room door;  palace gate
xián, rest
hóng, big; gate
jiàn,jiān, space
mǐn, a name
kàng, open space in a structure
mèn,mēn, stuffy
zhá, gear, sluice
nào, noisy
guī, lady’s cahmber
wén, listen
tà, inner door
mǐn, a name
lǘ, village gate
kǎi, loosen, open
fá, powerful clique/family
gé, pavillion, political cabinet, boudoir
hé, obstruct
kǔn, threshold, inner apartments, wife
jiū, lotto lot, straw, stick
yuè, read
làng, lofty
dū,shé, defensive platform over a gate, barbican
yù, threshold
yān, castrate
chāng, palace gate of heaven
xì, quarrel argue
wén, place name
hūn, door-keeper
yán, village gate, a name
ě,yān, block restrain control
chǎn, express, disclose
lán, railing balustrate
qù, quiet live alone
huì, market-gate
kuò, broad
hé, door, to close, whole
tà, upper story window
kàn, glance peep