

A monkey saw a reflection of the moon in the water and, thinking this calamitous, went to scoop it up. In other words: a lunatic sees terrorists everywhere and tries to catch them, but only makes a fool of himself. 

This parable is about what happens when the simple minded take illusions for reality.  It cautions us to be skeptical of the immediate and also of going along with the crowed.

有 一天 晚 上 , 一 群 猴子 在 井 边 的 树 上 玩儿。突然,一只小猴子喊起来:“不好啦,月 亮 掉 到 水 里 了 !” 大 猴 子 一 看 , 也 叫 了  起 来 :“ 不 好 啦 , 月 亮 真 的 掉 到 水 里 了 !”
大 猴 子 说 :“ 我 们 把 月 亮 捞 上 来 吧 !”
于 是 , 猴 子 们 爬 到 树 上 , 一 只 拉 着 一 只 , 一直接到水里。挂在最下面的小猴子伸手去 捞 月 亮 。 他 的 手 刚 碰 到 水, 月 亮 就 不见了。猴子们觉得很奇怪。这时,大猴子抬头一看,突然叫了起来:“月亮不是还在天上吗



A monkey is cracking corn. Each corn he breaks off he carefully places in his armpit. Having shucked the entire cob he tosses the cob in the corn crib. The monkey then looks and is surprised to see the only corn he has is the one kernel he is holding in his hand.

The moral here is that careful efforts must be completed and not half done.

到了里的玉米个个金 的。猴子非常高兴
真地掰起玉米 个;一个 下的玉米便掉

玉米 yu2mi3 “jade rice” in other words:  corn (maize). 

ye4 armpit it’s part of the body 月 seen usually only at night 夜

bai1 to split as in shuck using one’s hands. two hands on the outside,拜 symbol for splitting with a knife inside. 分

This one is interesting since the 拜 character is a hand with grain but here as a compound character the grain on the right loses one line and becomes thereby a second hand.

楼市 lou2shi4 real estate (lit.: building+market)
能源 neng2yuan4 energy source lit. i.e. gas oil etc.
拖累 tuo1lei3 to drag (lit. drag+tired)
放缓 fang2huang3 to slow

做、作、坐、座 zou4 同音字