door on top. 户  Doors have registry numbers on them that’s the dot 户 is a picture of a household door, and means household, door, residence. The bottom part is a fence around the residence. I don’t think it has it’s own kangxi determinant. The bottom part looks closest to 曲,册 which are respectively an ancient reed flute and ancient bound scroll of bamboo slips. The one means “classics” (tunes OR books or anything) the other still means booklet. Anyway it’s a fence around a house door and fences tend to be FLAT.扁

Later we will see this bian扁 used metaphorically in 骗子pianzi which means cheater. Pianzi might be where the American English insult “panzy” comes from.
Anyway, cheaters skirt around issues like a fence and then tell lies about the horse they are trying to sell you. 

遍 编 and 篇 偏 are other characters using this determinant. they mean respectively:

Sheet (usualy paper) and
Slanted, respectively. bian/bian/pian/pian (focus first on the symbol itself and its meaning, then the pronunciation, you will eventually pick up the tones by habit and practice).