鸡鸣狗盗, 凡人 — 犯人

lit. to crow like a cock and steal like a dog; i.e. to have a lot of tricks up one’s sleeve, to be shameless and crafty, but perhaps not cunning.

凡人 fan2ren2
,  fan4ren2

凡人 At 22 he was AN ORDINARY PERSON凡人fan2ren2,
but by 42 he became a CRIMINAL 犯人fan4ren2. 

建筑jian4zhu4 architecture = ESTABLISH+BUILD(/ING)

建jian4 establish found build set up build
hand-and-brush ⺻𦘒帇 niè
hand actively working a brush and paper, metaphor from a fertile thing like a growing plant 丰feng1 +long road

筑building zhu4
bamboo竹zhu on top is phonetic and semantic. Buildings were built from bamboo. Ordinary+Worktool=巩Solid below. Solid Bamboo = Building.

secure, solid. Work tool on the left, Ordinary on the right. Ordinary work tools are SOLID SECURE STRONG gong3

fan4 broad fast float pan- Ordinary Waters are broad vast and floating covering all pan-

kong3 fear terror
巩gong on top is phonetic, 心heart below is semantic. In the face of terror we must have a solid heart.

kongbu terror+disseminator=terrorist 

konglong dinosaur lit. terror dragon

kong3bu4zhu3yi4 terrorism.

bu4 =spread out cloth as when a vendor lays out the wars is its literal meaning extended metaphorically to mean EXTEND BROADEN SPREAD OUT DIFFUSE. It is more widely used metephorically than literally but still has both usages. Abbreviated hand 又 on top, cloth巾 on the bottom.

fan1 sail to distinguish the general term ordinary from the actual term sail add a tone and the cloth determinant SAILS sare made of Ordinary凡fan2 cloth巾jin1

fan2 ORDINARY as in ordinary cloth used to make an ordinary sail.

feng1 wind it’s the image of wind in a sail.