折 拆 拉 断 掰 

折弯 to bend, twist zhe2 wan1
铅笔 pencil qian1bi3
掰开 break apart bai1 kai
掰断了 break in two bai1 duan4
拉断 to pull apart into two bits la1 duan4
拉掉 to pull completely apart la1 diao4
口罩 mask kou3zhao4
拆开 break open, rip into  chai1kai1
拆坏 break chai1huai4
弄弯 fiddled with and bent nong4 wan1
弄坏 break by accident nong4 huai4 le

线子 thread xian4
绳子 rope, twine sheng2

 mao tou ying cat headed eagle = owl.